
Apr 25, 2008 03:11

So I passed out around 6:30ish only after being home for an hour and woke up at 1:30am - I have been up since then.

Fucked myself over as I never ate dinner, though am not hungry, and had laundry to do. Gotta pack my bg as we have our little weekend in Philly that we're leaving for Friday evening (Brian, myself, Dan, & Omar in our car)

Anyways, my last day of clinic is here - wow! I had my last visit from my professor today. Some minor little things were off due to me being nervous (I wasn't with professor Lamb's visit) but I nailed my 3/3 for clinic and also got a 3 on my notes - YAY! Chris wrote great things about me and Professor O'Keefe said it was like I was one of the workers there and was impressed by a lot. SO happy I made it through...I start my next clinic Monday. To think in SIX WEEKS I am done! Such a tremendous achievement!

I should go to sleep so I don't overdo myself. Just fuck me for messing up my sleep cycle...
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