dont vomit, dont vomit, dont.....

Jun 17, 2004 13:55

Sometime around 10:35, I stumbled in to Toshiba Medical head quarters for Southern California. carrying boxes of food, and dishes and.... I began to dry heave, trembling I began. I had 25 minutes to set and prep for a party of 15, some neuro surgeons, some share holders. power suits and neck ties.
I started sweating. I just repeated my mantra, don’t puke, done puke, don’t....
at some point I almost lost it, and shat something awful in the first story toilet down the hall.
trembling, fevering, the taste of mertlo kept rising form some horrid cavern of my body.
as the people came in my hang over went on a brief vacation. I smiled and greeted the rich, the fucks, the forgotten monsters, the whole time thinking, they never knew, they’ll never have any idea. I like the fact that they pay me 25 bucks an hour just so I can fake some five star service.

I wanted to write about futility, but it all seems useless....

word of the day
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