Protect and survive!

Jun 30, 2006 17:59

"it is very likely that 400 of you will be injured in your cars tomorrow. You will be within 6 miles of home and you will be doing less than 30"

Well wasn't that a cheery factoid we all needed to know. Here's another one - "Old Fridges can kill!". Being a total nut for propaganda and public information films, I was overjoyed to discover this:

Question: was anybody consoled by the Protect and Survive nuclear warning? I'm especially cheered by the knowledge that if I can't get to a house, I'll be safe by lying in a ditch. Especially when the people who can get to a house are warned to stay in there for several millenia and have an extra safe room within the safe room.

Also very impressive is this video, which comforts children with a simple message: "Don't worry if you're being bullied! Just leave a simple message in a half eaten bowl of beans, and everything will be ok..."

I'm warning you, though. There are things on that site you might not want to see. Rolf Harris in a pair of trunks, for example. Young girls are warned to seek advice from their careers teacher (have I told you what mine suggested? Economics!) If you are a fluffy weasel, remember to always take mummy to the ice cream van with you, or you'll be knocked down by a car and recieve a small bruise. I would have been slightly calmed by the fact that Dr Who (or ex-Dr Who at any rate) is the one telling us about road safety, if it weren't for the fact that Darth Vader has a go too. And what's the point in Green Cross Code man saving some kiddies, and then saying he won't be there to save us?!

Here is what I have learnt from a 1972 film encouraging teens to learn to swim: "Swimming lessons help you get more birds. (It could also save your life). And how clean is it to hold a handkerchief for another man as he sneezes?

The wonderful thing about all these adverts is they're just so brutally honest. Is anybody not freaked out by the dark and lonely water one?

propaganda, public information

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