Aug 15, 2008 22:00
O_o Good Lord.
So, I keep watching SGA because I'm a sheep, even though last season pissed me off alot and I hated most of what they changed about the show and I thought most of the stories were boring. This season - thankfully - has proven to be much better already. Surprisingly I've been really impressed with Woolsey as the leader of Atlantis, he's done a really good job so far. Not too up tight but doesn't let people get away with everything, either. A good compromise, and to tell the truth pretty much anyone's better than Sam at the Atlantis helm.
Most of the eps have been at the very least entertaining enough to keep me from falling asleep, except for one which I can't even remember what happened during it because I did fall asleep and didn't even care to finish it the next day. :(
The one thing that royally pissed me off about this year came even before this season started, when I read an article saying that Torri Higginson had refused the offer to guest star this year. Now, if you know me at all you know I am a HUGE HUGE HUGE Sheppard/Weir fan. Like HUGE. They had such chemistry. When I learned Torri was getting kicked off for Amanda Tapping... you can only imagine my rage.
Needless to say it turned out just like I thought it would - disaster. Now Amanda is gone too and Torri isn't coming back. Even though they messed around with her character enough last year to throw her in a few episodes and tease the fans with the fact she could possibly come back, then even ended one ep with her as supposedly evil Repli-Weir (at least we got that impression) saying "It's time to begin" .... I mean really, I got so excited seeing that because I just knew she would eventually find her way back to Atlantis and the team there would find a way to make her good or do something to the effect that she could come back as herself for at least a few eps a year.
Except... she refused to come back this year. I don't really know why, I imagine she was just pissed off at what they had done to her character, God knows I would be. Maybe she felt she wasn't being taken seriously, or wasn't getting enough screen time. Regardless of the reason, the news shattered my Atlantis world and snuffed out my hope of ever really getting excited for the show like I used to. :(
Then... there was tonight's episode. It was obviously supposed to be one of the eps in which she came back, but obviously had to be reworked a little to excuse the fact the character no longer looked like herself. The excuse probably would have worked had I not heard about Torri refusing the part, course then I would have been left wondering why the hell they didn't just go get the same actress. Anyway, the point is, IF it had been the REAL Elizabeth Weir, instead of a last-minute-rewrite to substitute in another actress, this would have been the GREATEST episode of Stargate: Atlantis in a really long time. I would have been jumping up and down and squealing in a most fangirlish manner, and then I would have been screaming and shaking my fists with the unbearable angst at the end.
I mean... this episode would have been THE SHIT.
I know because even with the lame excuse to put Weir in another body, and even with her supposedly being her but not keeping her same speech patterns (you'd think the writers could at least get that right...), it was still good. Probably because of John's expressions during the whole episode. Even "Elizabeth" had some tell-tale expressions. It's like the writers finally admitted to themselves John and Elizabeth really had chemistry, and really felt for eachother all the things Sparky fics say they feel for eachother, and put it all in this episode, of all eps. (Seriously, they really should have done this back when Torri was still on the show!!!! *insert expletitives*)
The angst was good. Really good. The part where John asks Woolsey what would happen if one of the Replicators chose to stay after they had their human bodies (one guess as to who he referred to) and when whats-his-name (the bad Replicator) attacks John and then we see Elizabeth get mad and slam him up against the wall and then deactivate him, and then John's face afterwards was awesome. (But she should have reached down to help him up...) The part where she knowingly walks into space and then convinces the other Replicators it's safe so they all walk through just to be sure none of them hurt Atlantis was heartbreaking, even with Elizabeth being in a different body.
And then Sheppard just standing there looking at the 'Gate with that look - gah. Yeah, if it had been Elizabeth's real body, I think I would have cried. It would have been amazing.
Damnit to hell. WHY did they have to ruin such a good thing!?!? Weir could still be the head of Atlantis! Her and John could still share looks and tender moments and us Sheppard/Weir fans could still be sooooooo happy. Instead, we must resort to fanfic and wishful thinking. DAMNIT DAMNIT DAMNIT.
Well, I guess if any good news is to be gleaned from this, it's that Elizabeth Weir is still not technically dead. :D So... she could STILL always come back. Maybe I will start a petition to send to Torri begging and pleading and groveling for her to come back to the show. :P
elizabeth weir,
stargate atlantis,
john sheppard