I'm content with life at the moment

Apr 19, 2008 14:40

And it feels damn good. 
The school year is quickly coming to a close and I don't want it to end.
Reality is starting to hit me pretty fast: I'm gonna be graduating next year.
It's a weird feeling to me because I just feel like i got into high school last year.
But that's not the case,my boyfriend is graduating and going into the real world.
Sometimes i feel like he acts like he's too good for school,and he has admitted it.
But that's just him,I'm not trying to grow up too fast cause I'm trying to enjoy every minute
of my teenage years before it slips between my finger tips.

I've been quite blah with friends,cause everytime you want to chill,they seem as if they're too good for you.
I'm not gonna force myself onto people if they don't want to chill,so I just go out and do my own thing.
Hopefully Senior year I'll be going out and having a grand ol' time,while trying to get my remaining credits,and 
balancing a job. In the meantime,I'm looking for colleges and I'm stuck between BCC and The Art Institute 
of Ft.Lauderdale. Which reminds me of the original plan i had in 10th grade;moving back to Toronto.
Meaning,going to the Art Institue of Toronto.

I miss home so dearly,I really need to go back,but I don't I will be. My boyfriend hates Canada,but I wish
he'd respect my country enough so I can take him with me one day to show him where I grew up.
I would love to share alot with him,but we have NOTHING in common. I only had one relationship where
I had alot in common with that person,but you can't always have a relationship with someone you can really
relate to and have things you can share with. It's impossible with us both,but I tried to let him get into
the same things as me,but as I said earlier,I'm not pushing myself up against anyone,even my own boyfriend.

But anyway,I'll be updating alot more now-a-days. And try to atleast get some LJ friends that i personally know,
unless I don't like them,which is alot of people. My thumb hurts and there is quite alot of noise in the house
at the moment, plus my thumb is killing me cause i keep it one position while i type. 
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