Nov 08, 2006 12:09
I feel really good today. I'm glad because Monday was a hideous day. I went shopping with my mom last night and it was nice, I got some new underwear. That was lovely. A girl likes new underwear every now and again. One pair even has lightning bolts on it, and that made Heather jealous. It was good. But anyways.
I'm planning a nap on the Comfy Pollstar Couch in about 10 minutes, it's going to be magic.
But in other news, I'm afraid for the future, as I'm going to be doing a lot of driving and it's going to be bad weather coming up, I know my mom is really worried and I'm starting to feel guilty. I don't want to go, but a LOT of money has already been laid out for these 5-7 trips. So I can't just NOT go. Uggghhhhh, God, why did you invent bad weather?
And greasy food? And if you felt grease necessary, why must it be so fattening? And why must it taste so lovely?
I am of course speaking of IN N OUT. I had that the past two days for lunch. I'm going to gain back all the weight I lost. But I've dropped 2 pants sizes. Doesn't look like it, but my normal size didn't fit last night when I went to buy pants. I guess cuz even if you take away 2 toothpicks from the box, you still have a HELL of a lot of toothpicks. Hmmm.
And I am excited for Christmas time.
Also, does anyone know how to put your own little mood pictuers? Cuz I love the penguins, but they're all the same.