Apr 25, 2006 16:59
Okay. Hold on to your seats.
I just baked a blueberry banana pie for Troy. For him, this is his dream pie. For me, I would rather it just be blueberry. But because boys are stupid, but I do things for them anyway, his requests for a blueberry banana pie has been granted. Don't worry, I snuck in a surprise layer of coconut.
So, I don't know why I'm writing here, I haven't in so long. I think that's what finals do to you though, force you to find new (or old) procrastination methods.
Everything has been changing so fast but simultaneously staying the same. All I hear about is how soon everything will be different, etc etc etc etc, but nothing has changed yet. Except that I bought a car. But I hardly even remember that it's mine. Last night I walked to the passenger side door and waited for Lauren to let me in.
I wonder what next year will be like. I wonder if I'll be friends with the other grad students. I wonder if I'll find a real job. I wonder if I will have a crush, or stay crushed by that stupid boy downstairs. I wonder if he won't live downstairs next year.
I feel like a little kid. but in the scared, I start middle school tomorrow, kind of way.
Today I slept from 1 to 3 when I should have been working. I haven't taken a nap in months and was half amazed that I actually had time for one and half pretending that my sinus headache was the reason I had to take one. I half woke up before my dream was getting really interesting and then half fell asleep to finish it half awake.
I am drinking mint tea that I don't really like and thinking about just eating that pie myself and never telling Troy I made it for him.