Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Slashers

Dec 19, 2011 23:54

Got my hairs cut after work, and frankly, it is super cute. To celebrate, I went to see el Holmes. And guys, it was AMAZEBALLS.

First, UNEXPECTED NAKED MYCROFT. This really needs to be the next iteration of the Jack Harness meme. Make it happen, internet!

Also, naked!Mycroft awkwardly admitting that Mary has convinced him that (people) women might be pleasant to have around in some way. ADORBS. Though kind of weird in a meta way, given it was delivered by Noted Homosexual Stephen Fry.

Once again, Bechdel test fail, but both Simza and Mary kicked some serious ass. Huzzah.

That said, Irene had a rather disappointing end, no? Was McAdams not available for more than two scenes? Or does Ritchie have some kind of aversion to having more than one named female in a scene?

I rather enjoyed the twist on Sherlock calling all the fights beforehand. Like, '... Or you could just stab him, sure.'

"Why would I want anything with a mind of its own bobbing between my legs?" Aww, a little something for the asexualists.

Oh, and also, there was slash. Lots and lots of slash.

The hand holding. The dancing. "Come lie down with me." Dear god, the basic story was, Watson marries Mary, and then honeymoons with Holmes. Gay, gay, gay pants, is what I'm saying.

I can has Holmes/Watson H/C ON A TRAIN nao plz?

And finally, I was so worried they'd leave Holmes "dead" at the end, so I was so glad they brought back Sherlock at the end, rather than waiting until the next movie (there's gonna be another one, right?). Well, if there was another one, I suppose it'd kind of give the game away by simply existing. But still. Even though I knew what happened, I remember how upsetting "The Final Problem" was. I read it too late at night, but I still had to pull up "The Empty House" on Gutenberg before I could go to bed. So yeah, bringing back Holmes gives me warm and fuzzies. Also, it means less angsty Watson in mourning post-movie fic, and more hot make-up reunion Holmes/Watson(/Mary) post-movie fic.

In conclusion, A++ would LOL again. And by "would" , I mean I want to see it again every day for ever and ever.
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