(no subject)

Nov 18, 2011 22:14

Californians name drop celebrities. New Yorkers name drop landmarks. Oregonians name drop microbrews. Hell yes, Double Dead Guy. #GrimmIsOddlyCompelling

Yes, fic writers, Double Dead Guy is a real beer, a variant on Rogue's Dead Guy Ale. Though I don't think you can get it on tap at a non-Rogue bar, but whatevs. I can handwave a bit for my new dorky Oregon show.

PS in other news from dorky shows in Friday death slots, the Casey & Morgan moment over Indiana Jones made me "awwww" out loud for legit. I love how "Chuck" can make really, really nerdy references also be very sweet. Also, it makes them somehow without being alienating to viewers who don't get the reference. I LOVE MY DEAD GAY (OKAY IT'S A BIT GAY) NERDY SHOW!

grimm represents, chuck is awesome, not really spoilers i swear

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