Well today was shitty till I got home and spent some time thinking..
My grades aren't as bad as I expected them to be.. knowing i havent payed attension at all. I only have 1 F and 1 high c. F in Spanish and C in Geog... I got the F bc I dont study C bc that class has all my friends and Id rather spend the time talking to them then doing my work.. but oh well. My dad doesnt know about them, Im going to beg my mom to keep quiet.. bc I know my dad.. he'll make me feel like shit.. and I frankly am sick of that... This morning walking to class I saw Daniel and he informed me of some concert of whatnot. .STD? heh..I might go. Liz told me shes going with Erica.. so sounds like fun.. but I dunno.. This weekend Im planning on going over to Jennifers. and hanging out with her. .we never get to hang out anymore... and I miss it. I got to talk to Spencer today. on the puter of course. but better then nothing.. he is great.. gotta love that kid.. He sent me some baby pictures.. in which im going to try to put it on here.. yall shall love it!
I think thats how you do it.. if not.. thats the link to see the picture.. heh.. but yuh.. he looks too adorabley cute in that picture.. makes me want to hug the hell out of him.. heh
I hopefully am going to start hanging out with Liz again.. we havent talked eversince are last fight very much and havent hung out at all.. and I miss the kiddo! sure do!.. Also. I have nooo clue what happend to Ericas b-day.. but sorry .. wish I could help yuh out! Happy Birthday!
Since im bord and there is nothing else to do Im going to give some shout outs to ppl....
Whitney~ You are a great person and I luv yuh! I am still expecting to see you do my dare.. in which you said youd do.. lol.. I wanna laugh my ass off.. HEY TANNER!!! lol..baha.. love yuh
Spencer- You really know how to make pipes.. i was kidding.. You are a big pimping pipe maker.. lol.. I love you and miss you and really wanna hang out with you this weekend.. Im so going to watch you sk8 for HOURS Friday night.. heh hope you dont break another bone.. You should listen to Jen for once.. and instead of sk8ing go inside with us and b lazy.. that way you wont get hurt.. heh love yuh!
Liz- Gosh we needa chill!
Meghan<------- My date! lol
Meghan E- I'm glad we are hanging out this yr.. I love you..
Erica C, Marcy, Jasmine, Hillary, Mary, Winnie, etc. Love yall! heh
Clay.. stop being mean to the old ppl.. its sooo sad!
Joey- French Boy.
lalal okay.. im done.. and tired. .spoo gnite
Rest In Pieces
Look at me, my depth perception must be off again
Cause this hurts deeper than I thought it did
It has not healed with time
It just shot down my spine _ You look so beautiful tonight
Remind me how you laid us down
And gently smiled before you destroyed my life
Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
Would you find it in your heart?
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
Would you find it in your heart?
To make it go away
And let me rest in pieces
Look at me, my depth perception must be off again
You got much closer than I thought you did
I'm in your reach
You held me in your hands
But could you find it in your heart?
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
Would you find it in your heart?
To make it go away
And let me rest in