blah, blah, blah, blarrrrrrgh

Sep 29, 2005 00:29

LJ Interests meme results

  1. bjork:
    uh, shes amazing, that is all..
  2. cuddling:
    "let me be your teddy bear"
    haha....are there any other full house fans out there that know what im referring to?? anyone??
  3. dogma:
    i originally wanted nothing to do with this movie then joe forced me to watch it one day, and i loved it, gah! i hate when hes right, haha
  4. fightclub:
    again...i was completely against seeing this movie, and even during the first half of the movie i was very outspoken about my disgust with the movie, but now i own the movie, and the book...uh, yea....
  5. gone in 60 seconds:
    my dad has always been into cars, re-building, repairing, etc. so he rented this one night, and well, i love nicholas cage, and the cars are completely amazing, so this was definitely a bonding point for my dad and i because he told me about all the cars as they were stealing them....good times....
  6. kisses:
    one of my favorite past times...
  7. movies:
    i havent seen a lot of movies, but i love watching them, i love seeing new movies, love hearing about new movies, etc. love it!
  8. piercings:
    i have them, i like seeing them, i like hearing about them, i like watching people get them, and this all drives my mom insane, hehe
  9. seven:
    its fucking SEVEN!! so i really need ot explain why i have this listed.....didnt think so...
  10. tattoos:
    this should be more appropriately listed as "good tattoos" i love seeing the amazing work that some people can do, and the work that people have had done on them. its just absoloutely amazing to me. what i hate though is when im at the bar and people see my tattoos and come up and want to show me their uneven, crooked, shitty looking tattoos...does that make me a bitch?? meh.....

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