Mar 21, 2005 22:57
Since the beginning of time, one question has plagued mankind. Men have looked to the stars for answers. Science has looked deep into it but has not yet even scratched the surface. Tonight I will answer this question.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuch could, indeed, chuck wood?
I have pondered this question for many, many long sleepless nights. But, alas, I have an answer!
As you probably know, I am an expert on small, meaningless, and rather unimpactful rodents such as: beavers, meerkats, prariedogs, meerdogs (long extinct), Venezuelan flying hog, etc.
Through my extensive study of these creatures, I have come to a revelation. Woodchucks do not exist. This my friends is the answer to that question. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck? Absolutely none!
Peace, Love, and Meerkats.