What's up with me... "Word Challenge" is evil, as is Russia

Aug 23, 2008 03:05

Okay, so there's quite a bit of time between my posts, but at least I'm posting! Now I just have to make time to read other people's journals again.

On Facebook, the application game "Word Challenge" is evil. And addictive. It's eaten up so much time. I've gotten up to the level of "physician," btw.

I highly recommend the 360 restaurant at the CN Tower. The food is great. I had their "Fish 'n' Chips" which was actually grilled swordfish steak and crab legs (*drools*) with sweet potato fries. And the waiter recommended probably the best wine I've ever had. The best thing, though was the view. It was so much fun to find all the places we're familiar with. I could see my apartment, which is all the way in Etobicoke! (it's a borough of Toronto, and the CN Tower is right downtown). It was a cloudy evening, but as the sun set, it broke through the clouds, and there was this sunburst that lit up the west, and then slowly covered everything in a pink and orange glow. At one point John and I were just staring out the windows, and all we could say was how beautiful it was.

Yesterday (or two days ago now, actually) I went to my aunt's wedding. It was really quickly organized and informal, but it was outdoors and really beautiful. My aunt is 54 and was marrying the guy she had been with for 12 years. They had actually been in love when they were both in high school, but then when he went away to university they lost touch. Years later, after my aunt had been married, had two kids, and divorced, she saw him doing an ad on local TV and decided to give him a call. He turned out to be divorced too, and they hit it off again right away. Anyways, I hadn't seen my extended family for quite a while, so that was really nice.

So the Angel comic artist is doing the Spike comics now and that's why they've got the crappy artist now. Geez, Spike just has to upstage Angel in every way, doesn't he? Seriously, though, I like the Spike comics. The villain is original and the ending of the last one was damn creepy.

I just read the preview for the next Buffy comic, and I'm interested in where it's going. I really hope Joss doesn't pull any punches.

If you're looking to go see a comedy, I recommend Pineapple Express. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Tropic Thunder is good too, but not as. Though I'd say it's worth seeing for Tom Cruise. And for Devil's Alley. "Father, I've been a very bad boy." *hee*

Regarding all the fuss a while ago about China faking stuff during the opening ceremonies of the Olympics... I really don't care. They put on a good show. It was entertaining. I don't mind at all that they faked the fireworks, or used soldiers instead of "volunteers." It was cool when I watched it and not boring like it so often is. And, yeah, I feel bad for the little girl who actually sang the song, but the girl they replaced her with really was hella cute. When I was watching her, I was thinking, "OMG, she's sooo cute!"

And OMFG! It's the Cold War again! Russia's installing missiles in Cuba and invading Georgia! I feel bad for the Ossetians. They're just pawns in this. Georgia did start the conflict, but I hardly believe that Russia actually cares about Ossetia's independence. They were just waiting to get a foothold back in Georgia and reassert their power. I'm worried for what they've got planned for Ukraine.

I can't believe McCain's attack ads are working. As if experience in and of itself amounts to much! George Bush was the son of a president and had some of the most experienced men in Washington in his cabinet, and look what screw-ups they turned out to be!

Anyhoo. It's late. Sleep time!

politics, comics, spike, angel, movies, current events, john, life

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