Twelve Days of Christmas Ficlets: Day Eleven

Dec 26, 2010 23:20

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Finally have time to get the last of these posted. Enjoy!

Written for Tardismate
Prompt: ten mishearing Rose say tinsel as tonsil
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG

Rose stepped back from the haphazardly decorated tree and grimaced. “Don’t you think the tinsel makes it look a bit tacky?”

The Doctor looked up from the string of lights that he was attempting to untangle. “What? Why are you putting a tonsil on the tree?”

Rose gaped at him. “I’m not, I’m putting tinsel on the tree.”

“No, I distinctly heard you say tonsil.”

Rose laughed and pointed at the tree. “Look, do you see any tonsils there?”

The Doctor crossed his arms. “You’re laughing at me.”

The expression on his face only caused her to laugh harder. “Of course I am, Doctor. Tonsils on the tree? Who would even think such a thing?”

He attempted to walk toward her but part of the string of lights was wrapped around his legs and he stumbled instead. He muttered under his breath as he kicked himself free then glared at Rose. “It’s not funny,” he said sulkily.

Rose came to him and placed her hand on his cheek. “I’m sorry Doctor, but it really is. Maybe we need to check if your ears are working properly.” She tilted his head and peered at his ear.

“There’s nothing wrong with my ears. They work perfectly well. I was just…” he trailed off and looked at the ground, clearly not wanting to complete his thought.

Rose was having none of it though. She repositioned herself so that he was forced to look at her. “You were just…?”

“It’s not important.”


“Fine, I was wondering what it would be like to kiss you, so I guess my mind was already on tonsils when you spoke.”

Rose smiled. “You don’t have to wonder you know.”

He blinked at her. “I don’t?”

Rose stepped a bit closer. “All you have to do is ask.”

12 days of christmas, dwfic, doctor who

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