I know I'm long overdue for a personal life update on here (and on my blog) and I promise it will come soon. Work has just been nuts lately. I'm also about a week behind on reading LJ at the moment so if I've missed something important let me know - I'm hoping to catch up by the weekend but it depends. Tonight I didn't get home until well after midnight - mind you, I had good reason. In fact, that's the reason for this post in the first place.
You see, last night, a friend on twitter informed me that DT was going to be in a play in central London tonight and tomorrow only. Well, of course I immediately looked it up and found out there were tickets available both nights. So I called my friend L who is also a DT fan (although more from Casanova than DW since she's only up to ep 6 of S2 of DW) to see if she wanted to go with me. She did, and Wednesday was the only day that worked for her, so I bought the tickets.
So we met before the show for a quick dinner and then made our way to the theatre. It's a fairly small theatre, and all the seats had a really good view of the stage, so even though we were in row G and on the side, we could see really well.
The show ended up being hysterical - and not just DT's parts (though they were some of the funniest - more on that later). Essentially it consisted of the various cast members coming out and reading excerpts from Autobiographies written by celebrities over the years. The actors had some GREAT reactions to what they were reading which is part of what made it so funny. The cast was fantastic. Aside from David Tennant there was Michael from Ugly Betty, an actress who was in Bridget Jones and two other females and 3 males whom I hadn't heard of before but who were great.
To start, each actor came to the stage one at a time each reading a tale from a different celebrity's autobiography. David Tennant was the last to be called out and by then my sides were already sore from laughing so hard - in particular to an "entry" from Tiger Woods' autobiography where he described putting in detail and the actor reading it managed to embue it with even more sexual innuendo than the words implied. His facial expressions were classic and the entire audience was howling.
And then, out comes David Tennant. The theater got very loud when he came up to the microphone with his book. He got tons of cheers. And I must say, he was looking MIGHTY fine as well. His hair is still longish and coupled with his growing stubble it created QUITE the effect. Plus he was wearing tight-ish jeans, a light blue t-t-shirt and a blazer. And he was only a few meters away from where I was sitting. *sigh*. /end fangirly flailing.
So anyway, as the cheers died down and he was about to start reading, someone wolf whistled and David totally cracked up which was both adorable and hilarious. Finally, he composed himself and, in that gorgeous scottish accent of his, he began to read an excerpt from David Cassidy's autobiography.... that was all about sex. Yes, within 10 seconds of opening his mouth he said the word "sex" and then was reading about an experience the actor had had, in great detail. It was hilarious, especially since he reacted to a lot of things he was reading with some hysterical facial expressions, but I have to admit I was blushing hearing words like "Erection" and "sex" coming out of his mouth. (He also swore). Particularly when he was looking so alarmingly sexy. *fans self*
Anyway, some of what he read was so funny he actually had to take an elongated pause to wait for us to stop laughing. And at one point the laughter went on so long that he started laughing which made us laugh harder. It was awesome!
After the "solo" readings were a selection of multi person readings which were great although the BEST one was where all 5 men came out, (with David, the tallest, in the middle *g*) and read excerpts from NSYNC's autobiography. But before David could even introduce what they were reading, the cheers had him cracking up again and he had to restart his sentence. He started, in the persona of J C with a tale of how his fly had broken during a show and his underwear were showing - HYSTERICAL. Especially since DT totally got into the role and was playing up the whole NSync part of it. Plus the other 4 actors were reacting to what he said and there was a lot of high fiving going on. Then as other actors took on their own persona's, DT got to react - he was so funny to watch. I really do love what he does with his face. He's so expressive!
The next thing DT was in was a group reading of Brittany Spears' diary from making Crossroads. They all took turns reading different days, but hearing DT do "Brittany" was PRICELESS!
The final reading was this long elaborate thing using a cleverly mixed "script" of Debbie Reynolds, Elizabeth Taylor and Eddie Fisher's autobiographies to tell an overlapping tale in which David Tennant was Richard Burton. He did it so well, it was hysterical. Although my favourite moment was when one of the other actors who was playing one of Liz Taylor's earlier husbands "Died" and just abruptly collapsed on the stage. What made it even funnier was that it was most likely improv because ALL of the other actors reacted surprised in some way - and DT nearly burst out laughing. It was so great.
So anyway, after the show was over, and the cast left the stage to cheers (and DT waved as he vanished behind the curtain), my friend L and I headed out to find the stage door and wait to see if we could get DT's autograph. (It turns out there was not stage door, just the main doors). So we waited. And waited, and waited. After like 30 minutes one of the actresses came out only to go back in a few minutes later. We were then told a little bit after that that everyone had gone home but we didn't believe it... (there were about 70-80 people waiting outside at that point). My friend finally had to go around 10:30 and I decided to stay since I'd already waited an hour and I didn't want to miss out on a chance to meet DT... but sadly, even though the rest of the cast did eventually come out just past 11, DT never came and we were told by the other cast that he had slipped out another way (some super secret way apparently). Some people seemed to think they were still lying so they stayed, but it was getting late and I still had an hour tube ride so I finally headed home a bit disappointed but still exhilarated from such an awesome show. (And also rather cold with sore feet!!!). I did manage to get Michael's autograph though. And I took a picture of him. So at least the wait was not entirely in vain. He was really nice too.
ETA: I forgot to mention: While DT was Richard Burton there was a part where he and Liz "giggled" and his giggle was absolutely hilarious. He did it a few times, and every time the entire theatre was in hysterics. He is SO funny. DT really needs his own comedy show.
Anyway, now I'm home, I've soaked my feet and shared my tale. And, since it's now 2:30 am I shall bid you all adieu for now, though I promise a proper life update is coming soon...