DW Collaborative Fic: Fat Chance (4/4),

Oct 12, 2009 11:25

Title: Fat Chance (4/4)
Authors: doctorsdiva and lorelaisquared
Characters: Rose, Ten, Donna,
Rated: Adult (Note: Rating Change)
Words: 5,071
Disclaimer: Sadly David Tennant I mean the Doctor is not ours. All characters and storyline traces belong to the BBC. They just came to play in our sandbox and for that, we thank them. :)
Summary: Partners in Crime was all about ( Read more... )

fic, dwfic, doctor who, story: fat chance, collabfic

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teruel_a_witch October 12 2009, 19:26:55 UTC
WHOA, what a great ending, I knew Donna would come along, I mean how could she not? These three are AWESOME together :D and this
"Oi! I'm not into threesomes sunshine
MWAH, brilliant twist on that XDD
especially not with long, thin streaks of alien nothing."
So...Rose is ok, then?;) Only Doctor is a no xDD

The end - spooky, hello, blond man, who is absolutely, definitely and surely not the one we are all thinking about ;D

these were my lame attemps to show that something other then "OMG SO HOT" was going through my brain ;D

SQUEE! Sequel, sequel, sequel, pretty please with the Doctor on top. Wait? Did I say that out loud, bad me xDD


lorelaisquared October 12 2009, 19:39:57 UTC
*snort* First I have to stop laughing at your comments...

Okay, *snicker*... I think *gasp* I'm good now.

Of course Donna had to come along. To leave her out would be a travesty. How else could she and Rose team up against the Doctor? Poor Doctor, he's going to have his hands full with those two. :) He was already regretful at the end there. *evil laugh* I'm enjoying this far too much.

Neither of us could part with the "You want to mate" conversation so we just HAD to find a way to get it in there.

LOL does that mean you liked our evil twist at the end? Dun, dun, dun, dun...

I'm so glad you enjoyed this incredibly long chapter so much. Thank you for your wonderful comments. (which, yes, made me laugh)

As for a sequel... you'll just have to wait and see... *grin*


teruel_a_witch October 12 2009, 20:03:27 UTC
First I have to stop laughing at your comments...

*iz smug* My job here is done :D

Oh, Squid, you are totally spoiling me, I enjoy making you laugh so much and it's not like it requires terrible effort from me which is my two favorite things in any activity XD I just can't resist, I say before I think without holding back XDD

How else could she and Rose team up against the Doctor? Poor Doctor, he's going to have his hands full with those two.
MWAHAHA *insert devilish laugh here*

Neither of us could part with the "You want to mate" conversation so we just HAD to find a way to get it in there.

That is a totally brilliant conversation XD I watched it for the first time without subtitles and I was like "What?Who? What the hell are they talking about?" XDD

does that mean you liked our evil twist at the end?
I like the idea of twist, I just really don't like the man that is absolutely not one we are all thinking about ;DD

you'll just have to wait and see... to alter The Doctor's quote "It's all wait,wait,wait with you people" ;DDD ( ... )


lorelaisquared October 12 2009, 20:11:08 UTC
*iz smug* My job here is done :D LOL You did it well. I'm not spoiling you on purpose you know, but I'm glad you're enjoying nonetheless.

I watched it for the first time without subtitles and I was like "What?Who? What the hell are they talking about?" XDD Yeah, it's rather confusing if you don't know the innuendo that Donna is reading into it. *snort* It's probably one of my all time favourite Donna moments. (I say probably because there are so many that I have a hard time deciding between them).

I like the idea of twist, I just really don't like the man that is absolutely not one we are all thinking about ;DD LOL well yes, that is the idea behind a surprise like that. Besides, the man you're referring to is otherwise engaged. *g* Just imagine him paying Rose back for that idiot comment whilst Donna is delivering the keys...

to alter The Doctor's quote "It's all wait,wait,wait with you people" ;DDD BWAH! Well, we are only human, not timelords and are therefore bound by human laws of time and pesky things like jobs and families ( ... )


teruel_a_witch October 12 2009, 21:00:28 UTC
I'm not spoiling you on purpose you know
'course I know. You are not that evil ;DD

it's rather confusing if you don't know the innuendo that Donna is reading into it
It's more a question of not hearing than not knowing xD It's quite hard to discern Donna's and Doctor's gobs for a first time and without transcript XD

It's probably one of my all time favourite Donna moments.
For me it's crucial moment that shatters even the idea of shipping Doctor and Donna, I mean they are both SO horrified by the idea, how can Doctor/Donna shippers even bother? XD

Besides, the man you're referring to is otherwise engaged.
Lol, it took me a few moments to understand what you mean xD because my phrase was the continuation of the first hint, when I was referring to the blond man and saying that we *absolutely* have no idea who he was because he's not the one we all thought he might be, which was, of course, irony ;) Doc, I barely avoided confusing myself XDD

Just imagine him paying Rose back for that idiot comment whilst Donna is delivering the ( ... )


lorelaisquared October 12 2009, 21:21:17 UTC

'course I know. You are not that evil ;DD
Are you sure about that?

For me it's crucial moment that shatters even the idea of shipping Doctor and Donna, I mean they are both SO horrified by the idea, Very good point. I ship them as companion and Doctor and nothing more. The one time they kissed (in The Unicorn and the Wasp) I laughed my a** off for a full ten minutes and then watched it again. The expressions on their faces - BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Lol, it took me a few moments to understand what you mean xD because my phrase was the continuation of the first hint, when I was referring to the blond man and saying that we *absolutely* have no idea who he was because he's not the one we all thought he might be, which was, of course, irony Oooooh. *headdesk* I is dumb. (tap, tap, tap, tap) I totally misinterpreted that. Now I get what you mean. (tap, tap, tap, tap). Regeneration isn't at all a possibility of course (tap, tap, tap, tap). *grin*

Lol, I've actually already imagined the position Donna might find them in when returning ( ... )


teruel_a_witch October 12 2009, 21:52:45 UTC
Are you sure about that?
Affirmative :P *voice of the Beast* Because I'm watching you *MWAHAHAHAHA**iz evil*
I ship them as companion and Doctor and nothing more.
They are more like BBF's for me;)

The one time they kissed (in The Unicorn and the Wasp) I laughed my a** off for a full ten minutes and then watched it again. The expressions on their faces - BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Oh, yeah, that is just priceless XD The only kiss not with Rose that doesn't make me cringe and look away because that's so bloody hilarious, and I ADORE the whole poisoning-scene, It's so brilliant I have no words, I'm sure If I hadn't been head over heels with David already I'd have fallen for him after this scene, his acting was so great, and Catherine is just a brilliant)
I totally misinterpreted that.
I guess I wasn't that clear, hehe, I wanted to create a semblance that the personality of the blond man was not obvious at all ;D
Regeneration isn't at all a possibility of course (tap, tap, tap, tap).
Not in a million years *no,no,no,no* ;D
Then again, your ( ... )


lorelaisquared October 15 2009, 07:13:18 UTC
Oh yes, they are totally BFF's! :)

That poisoning scene is delightful. Some of the BEST comedy I've ever seen. Whenever I need cheering, that's one of the scenes I at least consider watching.

I agree, Catherine is brilliant. She's so amazing. I can't believe how great she was as Donna. Awesome just doesn't even come close to describing her.

No-no-no-no, my fantasy is always hungry for pretty shiny words, how can you deprive it of those? *makes her best doe eyes impression* How am I supposed to learn new things about language,eh? LOL I will keep this in mind. Will try to remember that you need these things for language learning purposes. LOL.

Haha! Yes, Commando implies no underwear. Don't ask my why exactly, since I haven't the foggiest, but that's definitely what it means.

Oh yes, the Doctor is so vey subtle, isn't he?

He might as well put a badge "I've just had reunion-sex" on his face XDD *snort* Now that's just BEGGING to be iconed. LOLOLOL.


teruel_a_witch October 15 2009, 19:52:30 UTC
Some of the BEST comedy I've ever seen. Whenever I need cheering, that's one of the scenes I at least consider watching.

yeah XD If there were no famous Catherine&David student Vs teacher sketch I'd totally be watching this scene all the time when I needed cheering XD
Will try to remember that you need these things for language learning purposes.
Yup, solely for scientific purposes, no hidden agenda here *tries to keep a straight face*
Ok,ok, learning is like the farthest thing on my mind when reading smut XDD

Don't ask my why exactly, since I haven't the foggiest, but that's definitely what it means.

lol, maybe it's because he's always ready, erm, to participate in a battle ;DD


doctorsdiva October 13 2009, 13:28:15 UTC
We so wanted the mating conversation in there and I'm so glad it worked.
More squee's too, that is really brilliant. Lorelai assured me this one had a high squee factor and I'm glad she was right.
And the mysterious man? Well I think you know that I know that you know who he is...
As for the sequel la la la there might be one la la la.
Thanks for all your lovely comments here and further down.


teruel_a_witch October 13 2009, 17:19:57 UTC
high squee factor
Look, fangirls have their own marketing SKIENCE XDD

As for the sequel la la la there might be one la la la.

hee, glad to hear it ;D



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