Well. That was interesting. Of all the things the question could be, "Doctor Who" was definitely not the answer I expected. Seriously Moffat? Seriously you are going there? *sigh* I was watching the episode with a room full of people including
lazyclaire and
shinyopals and we ALL burst out laughing at that. Way to take yourself seriously DW. Well done!
Anyway ridiculousness aside, I actually quite liked the episode. They managed to wrap up a lot more things than I was anticipating with it being only a one part finale so well done on that front show.
So, things I liked and random thoughts (in no particular order):
1) The whole alternate reality with trains through the Gherkin Tower, fun looking balloons everywhere and Pterodactyls' in the park was really quite fascinating and enchanting.
2) Matt Smith should never wear a beard. Just no. Really no. It looks ridiculous.
3) I quite enjoyed the way they did the exposition with the Doctor and Winston Churchill and how it was a bit disjointed at first but that eventually it all came together.
4) The moving skulls were not as scary as I think they were meant to be. In fact they were downright comical.
5) The blue head in the box was rather comical, I have to say.
6) Amy was kinda awesome in this episode I have to say. I really liked that she remembered bits and pieces of things. I was sad that Rory didn't remember though - mind you that lead to some amusing moments - like at the top of the pyramid where Amy summarized River in like a sentence. LOL
7) I like how Amy told off eye-patch lady for what she did to her baby. FINALLY we see some proper emotion from Amy about her baby being taken from her. That's a bit of what I've been waiting for all this time.
8) Okay I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Some of the Eleven/River stuff in this episode. They were really adorable and I love that River couldn't bring herself to kill him (even if it did make time stop) and that she was so emotional when he kept trying to touch her.
9) I ADORE the fact that the wedding kinda just came out of the blue AND that it was Eleven's idea and I love how adorable they are in that moment with River smiling at him and all that. Also I like the way that Eleven just basically tells Rory and Amy what to say as he marries their daughter. NGL I found this rather hilarious
10) I also like how River was all "I can't let you die... without knowing that you're loved." That was a bit of an awwww moment.
11) I liked that it was a kiss that broke the alternate reality... WHAT? I am a hopeless romantic and yeah, Eleven/River has become something I ship. They're just too adorable together not too.
12) I was pretty sure it was going to be some form of non Doctor that was killed but I figured it would be the flesh or something. I kinda ADORE the fact that it was one of those robot things. I love the concept of them and I think it's rather brilliant because it means he's still THERE the whole time, just in miniature! *g*.
13) Okay I am completely enamored with the scene in the garden with Amy and River and them being all Mother/Daughter-y. That was cute and is something I've really wanted to see more of since we found out that River = Melody. I also am really glad they addressed the fact that River had just come from seeing Amy for the first time. It's a very interesting dynamic and I like how that was handled. Also there's something adorable about them drinking wine together.
14) This gets it's own point because I loved it so much - River and Amy squealling in the garden about the Doctor still being alive while Rory watches AMAZING moment.
15) LMAO I laughed so hard when Amy realized that she's Eleven's Mother-in-law. LMAO Karen's expression was priceless.
16) So I'm still a bit confused about Amy and Rory's timeline. It does seem like the house they're in before they're summoned to Utah is different from the one he dropped them off at in "The God Complex" but how does that match up with the time line in this episode? I'm very confused about that.
17) We're back to the question now and it seems like everything is going to come down to what the Doctor's name is. It was hinted at that he told River his name (although apparenty he didn't), but the fact that it was used in that way does seem to indicate it's importance and really the question being "Doctor Who?" does seem to come down to WHO is the Doctor really. I'm assuming this is going to end up being important to Season 7. I'm not sure how I feel about this. There are certain mysteries about the Doctor that I think should remain mysterious and I think his name is one of those things. I guess I just have to wait and see what comes of it.
So there we have it. The end of another series of Who... nothing new for a WHOLE year YIKES! Well okay there's the Christmas special but that will be a stand alone and I generally don't tend to like those as much. It's also not the same as a full series. At least there are things like new Sherlock to look forward to before that.
ETA: Pictures! Screencaps are all made by