Wow. Well. That was rather amazing, wasn't it? Doctor Who seems to be on a bit of a winning stretch at the moment.
I loved all the stuff about him returning just to visit Craig and then trying to just leave and not investigate when something was clearly wrong. It was really actually quite nice to see him trying to return to people he's touched.
I was delighted to see that some of the themes addressed in last week's episode were carried over here.
The issue of faith for example. I found it fascinating that after shaking Amy's faith in him last week, he's still clearly convinced that people shouldn't believe in him. And yet, whatever the Doctor says, Craig has absolute faith in him. It's really very amazing and I quite love the way they did that.
I also think that while the Doctor probably did see himself in that room last week as his fear, the thing he has the most faith in is NOT himself, but humanity. He doubted himself entirely throughout this episode - and in fact seemed to have more faith in Craig than himself. LOVING all this character development.
I also loved how this tied into Craig's own lack of faith in himself as a father and how he really grew in confidence in his ability to be a dad throughout this adventure of also saving the Doctor from himself. I particualarly liked the line he said to Alfie about how the Doctor needs someone to help me but he won't admit it. Reminds me very strongly of what Donna said to the Doctor at the end of "The Runaway Bride".
I have to say I laughed aloud near the end there when Alfie said "Doctor" that was rather cute if also unrealistic. Oh and I meant to say how much I enjoyed the back and forth between the Doctor and the baby and how he was all mind ready and such - it was cute. Made me miss the potential of what we could have had with Melody Pond as a baby though. It was really quite fascinating to see and it's interesting that he seemed to be most comfortable sharing some of his deepest thoughts with the baby. I found those moments very touching.
Seeing Amy and Rory in the shop like that was quite a nice surprise and my gosh what a heart breaking moment. Matt Smith amazed me with his emotion in that scene. Really, really well done. I quite liked the reveal at the end with Amy on the poster and the caption "For the girl who's tired of waiting". Another nice tie in to last week. DW where did this sudden consistency come from? I like it! Please keep it up!
Was not expecting the twist of seeing River at the end but I very much enjoyed it. It seems she's starting to put all the pieces together.
Also, as I suspected last week it seems we are coming full circle and we have done some kind of MASSIVE time loop. The Doctor now how the paper for the invitations he sent, and the stetson. It appears River really is the one in the space suit and everyone is headed off to Utah. I'm looking forward to seeing how all this plays out. Next Saturday, are you here yet?