Detailed Impressions of Harry Potter And the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Jul 15, 2011 22:28

Okay, so I've now seen this movie 3 times... in less than 24 hours... Thank you Cineworld card (I have a theatre card that lets me pay a flat fee each month to see as many movies as I like.)

Yes, I am very probably crazy.

Yes, this is very much my favourite film of the whole lot.

Before I get into details, a few general, non-spoilery things:

Having now seen this film in 3 different formats (IMAX 3D, 2D and 3D) I can honestly say that I don't think the 3D really added anything. In fact, aside from a few things there was very little that was even noticeably 3D to me. To be fair, the IMAX 3D was more noticeable, and more impressive in places than the regular 3D (probably because of it's size) but I also found it to be overwhelming and distracting and I spent more time than I would have liked at the midnight showing adjusting the glasses because things were blurry. So basically, in my opinion the 3D isn't worth it and for any subsequent reviewings I'll be seeing it in 2D.

There is something to be said fro watching a film like this with a packed theatre of fellow fans. Reactions like gasps, clapping and laughter can be very entertaining.

Okay, now on to some specifics:

I'll begin by saying that I really loved this film. Adapting a book to a movie is a tricky task, especially for one as popular as this series and overall in the entire series I think they've done a decent job. In this movie in particular I think they did an excellent job (although there are a few things I wish they'd done differently which I'll address below).

There were a lot of changes in this movie from the book. For the most part there was nothing that I found too upsetting, particularly because I think there are large sections of prose from the books that wouldn't translate well to film as written, and also because so much happens in the chapters that were included in this movie that it never would have worked if they'd tried to keep everything. Also, I think some of the changes they made were a lot of fun and enjoyed them a lot.

I think, since my thoughts are still a bit scattered at the moment, the best thing to do is to make a list of things in the film that I really liked or didn't like (I'll try my best to go chronologically):

1) I quite enjoyed seeing Helena Bonham Carter pretending to be Hermione as Bellatrix. I forgot she was HBC most of the time - her performance really felt Emma Watsonish and was appropriately awkward. I don't think I'm alone in my amusement on this either if I'm to go based on the reactions of the IMAX audience which giggled it's way through her reveal and her awkward steps through the lobby in Gringots. I'm thinking HBC had a lot of fun with that scene! :)

2) The vault scene was well done. I was impressed with the multiplying effect as they accidentally touched things. It was actually really close to what I envisioned when I read this scene in the books.

3) I found it interesting that they chose to have Harry be able to hear the Horcruxes in this. I always liked the fact that in the books he was completely clueless about it and spent a lot of time guessing, but it definitely worked in the movie to have him hear it, I just thought it was a bit strange at first.

4) The stuff with the dragon was well done also. I felt so bad for it being all mistreated. Also, I really loved the scope of the view as it flew over London and the Thames.... Particularly on the IMAX screen, that was breathtaking. Very visually beautiful.

5) I was bothered by Harry just announcing to Aberforth that they were looking for Horcruxes. This threw me quite a bit because in the books Harry is so insistent on not telling anyone what they're doing, and I feel like that's an important thing. Because everyone helps him ANYWAY. They don't know what he's doing or why, but they trust him and are willing to risk their lives for him regardless. I always thought that was a really important thing in the books so it was odd to have him just blurt it out like that.

6) When the Trio arrived in the Room of Requirement I thought it was a bit strange that there was no explanation about some of the students being in hiding even though clearly some of them were (plain clothes vs robes, and the hammocks all set up). Plus then, in the next scene in the hall, most of those in the ROR were with the assembled students. I'm guessing they cut out the bit about them being in hiding for time, but if that's the case, why include the hammocks and such? I think if I hadn't read the books, that would have confused me.

7) The shipper in me really liked the scene where Ginny comes in and she and Harry have that little moment of "hello" whilst Ron mumbles about being her brother. LOL It was a sweet little reminder about Harry and Ginny without taking over the scene and getting away from the point. It was also a nice bit of comic relief before we jump headfirst into the battle.

8) Having the students march into the hall was a great touch that really added to the eerieness of the Snape regime of Hogwarts and also really showed, very quickly, just how dire things were. Also, the millitary allusion did not escape me. I love it when those types of deliberate undertones come through in such a simple way.

9) AWESOME AWESOME reveal for Harry. I love how they chose to have him pose as a student and then just step out like that. And I love how him doing so motivated everyone to take a stand, particularly McGonagal.

10) I think now would also be a good time to mention just how much I ADORED McGonnagal in this scene and in future scenes. When did she get so awesomely bad-ass? LOVED her duel with Snape!

11) I have to admit I was a tad disappointed that the hole in the window after Snape fled wasn't exactly a "Snape shaped hole", alas it's a minor and rather unimportant omission, but still.

12) Filches comedic entrance was highly amusing, but I felt a bit let down by the blanket "Take everyone from Slytherin with you to the dungeons". I prefer the ambiguity in the book to such a black and white "Slytherin bad, everyone else good" outlook. When reading the book I always had the impression that there would have been a few Slytherin's who hung around to fight.

13) McGonagal is AWESOME again when she does the spell for the statues and urges them to defend the castle. I particularly love the way she turns to Molly and says "I've always wanted to use that spell" *hugs her* SO adorable and awesome! Also, I really liked her line to Flitwick about using Voldemorts name since he's going to try to kill you either way. So matter of fact and to the point.

14) Ron and Hermione through this section of the battle were so cute and amazing I have to say. I like that Hermione is so insistent on giving Ron credit for the idea to retrieve a basilisk fang, and I love the proud looks she gives him throughout that scene when they're telling Harry. I have to say I groaned more than a little at Ron's SBPA (Sudden Brilliant Parseltongue Ability), particularly since we didn't see any false attempts. I don't know, it just seemed too easy - although this part was a bit of a stretch in the books as well.

15) How AWESOME was Luna yelling at Harry on the stairs to get his attention? So much ♥ for Luna. Really. She's just amazing.

16) A bit unimpressed with some of the changes in the Gray Lady scene. Particularly the fact that they left out the whole bit about her having stolen the diadem and hidden it in Romania. I always felt like her wanting to get at her mother was the important thing about all of that. Plus, her wanting it to be destroyed just didn't make sense. I mean, it does now that it's a Horcrux, but before that, at the time when Tom Riddle would have questioned her, why would she have wanted it destroyed? Okay fine, change the story around but don't leave plotholes! Please!

17) LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Ron and Hermione's kiss. It totally worked timing-wise and was just such a delightful moment between them. ♥ In the IMAX last night, at this point there was actually a collective GASP as they started to kiss and then the audience burst into applause! SO INCREDIBLE! All that energy! I loved that. My favourite part of the kiss though is Hermione's smile right after. ADORABLE! I will say, however that I'm a little sad to have lost the line "Is this the moment" and that we didn't get a chance to see Harry look appropriately awkward. Alas, it's still an excellent part of the film and I really don't have any quibble with it.

18) The stuff in the room of requirement was well done. Ron was particularly adorable in chasing after Malfoy et all to defend his "girlfriend" and Hermione's shy/proud/embarrassed smile at that was a great touch. Also, that was some freaking SCARY fire. And when did Hermione learn how to ride a broom so well? I thought she was weary of brooms.

19) It's been a while since I've read the books so correct me if I'm wrong, but in the books, Voldemort doesn't feel each Horcrux dying does he? He only knows about them because he was checking on them all once they broke into Belatrix's vault right? I guess it's not that important because in the movie format it worked quite well to have him notice and I liked that as the trio succeeded in their mission, Voldmort gradually got weaker and more desperate.

20) Neville on the bridge was spectacularly awesome on all counts. Although he could have started running a little sooner.... Also, I forgot to mention this above but I totally adore the exchange between him and Seamus and McGonagal about blowing it up. "You want us to... boom?" "BOOM!" Hee Loved him climbing up onto the bridge triumphantly after it's blown up! Huzzah for fantastic Neville moments!

21) The scene in the boathouse with Snape is the point in the movie in which I start bawling and basically don't stop until near the end... Gosh, Alan Rickman pulled out some phenomenal acting for this scene. I love that you can so clearly see in his eyes the moment he realizes that Voldemort is going to kill him. and *guh*, the actual attack, although not a lot is shown is very suggestively viscous. Poor, poor Snape.

22) The rest of this scene, nearly broke my heart. I felt like Dan also did a particularly excellent job in this scene and the compassion that he showed here was just perfect. I also thought that having the memories come from Snape's tears was a particularly nice touch. "You have your mother's eyes" *sob*

23) I have to say that I was a bit disappointed that Fred's death happened off screen. It's such a powerful scene in the book that I felt it's loss even though I do understand why they did it that way. Also, until Neville's speech later, it's never made clear that it was Fred that died. The third time I saw the movie today there were some people in the audience who clearly hadn't read the book because one of them exclaimed, "One of the twins died? NOOOO" Regardless of my disappointment, the scene makes me cry, very, very hard. Especially the moment where Molly is embracing Ron while he sobs over Fred

24) I was a little worried before-hand about how they'd handle the Snape memories and I was quite relieved at just how well that came through. Sure, they cut a bunch of stuff but they kept the essential things and I think it was very, very effective. Particularly the addition of Snape having been the one to come and find them after the attack. That was another point that broke me... Snape holding Lily in his lap while Baby Harry cried. So very well done.

25) At first I was a bit bothered by Harry telling Hermione and Ron about him being a horcrux (or at least alluding to it) before going into the forest, but after seeing the film twice more I've decided that I quite like that scene and I think it works for the emotional build up of what Harry is about to do, and suits the characters. Plus, Dan and Emma both did some excellent acting here.

26) It was pretty inevitable that the scene in the Forest was going to cause me to breakdown (I always bawl through that chapter when I read the book), and the movie definitely didn't disappoint in that regard. I like how simple the scene is and how poignant, and as in the book, I love that Harry walks to his death feeling utter and completely loved.

27) (Also, oh HAI Hagrid, there you are... interesting that he's not in the movie AT ALL until this point...)

28) Harry's "death", even though I knew it was coming still gave me pause.) It's just so abrupt. And I think the fact that they cut the music at this point makes it stand out even more.

29) The Voldemort Soul thing in Kings Cross was appropriately gross and I thought the way the washed out the background of the train station to make it all white and hazy was really pretty. It definitely helped to create the dreamy atmosphere needed for this scene. Dumbledore's robes here were really nice in this scene, don't you think? I really liked the detail work around the edging. I liked most of this scene, although I was a bit annoyed that Harry never seems to question if he's actually dead. He just seems to assume he can go back which is I think more arrogant than is in Harry's character. It's a small thing though and the scene still works so it's fine.

30) Ahhh the announcement of Harry's death. Here we get into a LOAD of changes from the book although I can live with them because realistically, having your hero invisible for a good portion of an epic battle just does not make for great cinematic drama, and the majority of Harry and Voldemort's battle was pretty epic. I'm getting ahead of myself though, because what I want to talk about first is Neville, and his speech of AWESOME. I love the little fake out at first where Voldemort (and others) think that he's about to join the death eaters and then he turns it around and basically lets Voldemort know that it's not over yet. I do think him pulling out the sword then and NOT cutting off Nagini's head at that moment was a bit anti-climactic but the speech is still major win!

31) Speaking of the snake, at first I really didn't like the way they drew it out. My biggest concern as I watched it the first time, was that Neville wouldn't end up being the one to kill the snake - to me that was the most important thing. So as soon as I saw that he did do it, I was happy. Also, from a film POV interspersing the death of the snake with the death of Voldemort really worked quite well. It's not something that could have worked in print I don't think, but visually it was good. It added to the intensity of the drama.

32) I LOVE LOVE LOVE that they kept Molly's "Not my daughter you bitch!" line in the movie and I thought her final dual and defeat of Belatrix was particularly awesome. However, I was disappointed with the beginning of that scene mainly because you barely have a chance to register what is happening or to even see that Ginny is there before Molly jumps in. If they'd given the scene even another 10-30 seconds so we could properly see Ginny's peril I think it would have made the scene even better. It was a bit of a "Blink an you miss it" moment where Ginny's concerned.

33) The final showdown with Harry and Voldemort was visually very well done. They definitely drew it out as opposed to how it was done in the book, but that's fine, I don't have any issue with that. I do have issue with the PAGES AND PAGES of important dialogue that they ignored however. Where was the mention of Snape being Dumbledore's man through and through? Where was Harry's offer of redemption to Tom Riddle? Where was Harry's use of Expelliarmus as the eventual spell that rebounds Voldemort's killing curse and finally rids the wizarding world of the Dark Lord? None of these things would have been hard to include amongst all the dueling between them and all of these things are, I believe, a very important part of Voldemort's downfall. He's utterly shocked to learn of Snape's double crossing and it's a moment that really gives Harry the upper hand and shows quite clearly how Voldemort is gradually losing his control. I think it also makes Voldemort more desperate and propels the battle. Plus, it's a moment that shows very clearly that in Harry's eyes Snape has been redeemed and forgiven for his role in Dumbledore's death. I feel that the offer of redemption is also essential as it shows Harry's unfailing compassion and his ability to forgive. It is an important aspect to his heroism that he offers the villain of the story - the man who killed his parents - one last chance to show remorse and put his soul back together. Finally, I always thought that is was extremely significant that even though Harry does kill Voldemort he never does it with a killing curse but instead does it by using Expelliarmus and rebounding Voldemort's own killing curse. Because essentially, it's Voldemort himself who brings about his own downfall. Harry is just an instrument in helping to get him there. Now, all the spells in this movie were silent it seems, so maybe that is what happened and they just did it silently but still, I'm disappointed.

34) Neville and Luna. *sigh* As much as I love both of them and as much as there was a time when I would have loved to see them end up together, they do not. JKRowling has been very clear about this. So, because Neville/Luna is not canon I was not pleased to see them take this path in the movie.

35) I enjoyed the epilogue and was quite relieved to see that they kept their original cast and aged them as I had been fearful that they'd cast others in those roles. The aging they did was rather amusing - it definitely got some laughs from the IMAX audience, but I think it was well done and I think that the bits of the epilogue that they kept were good. Also, the kids they had playing the next generation of wizards were adorable. Very nice casting choices. Ultimately though, I love that the movie closes on a shot of the trio. It made it feel very complete.

So yes, although I have some quibbles here and there, overall I really enjoyed this movie and I will be going to see it again. In fact, part of me is glad that it's not quite the same as the books because it makes it easier for me to see them as separate entities and it also keeps the books as something special for me. I love the books and will likely be rereading them for years to come, but I also have very much enjoyed the movies and I'm sure I'll be revisiting them periodically as well. It's weird, I feel like this is the end of an era. It's so odd not to have anything new that's Harry Potter to look forward to. This will be a bit of an adjustment.

movie, harry potter

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