Thankful Thursday

Jun 30, 2011 16:18

Wow, two weeks in a row.  Go me!

1.  I am thankful for my kids even though they seem to be going through their teenage years at 6.  Does that mean they'll act like 6-year-olds when they are teenagers.  Oh, sorry, stupid question.
2.  I am thankful for Ms. Betsy who puts up with my kids day in and day out and still manages to have a good attitude and not move away in the night.
3.  I am thankful for my job.  God knows it's not a given these days.
4.  I am thankful for the weather today.  Damn it's beautiful!
5.  I am thankful for M&M who keep an eye on me and the kids. 
6.  I am thankful for humor.  It can get me through any day.  (I'm looking at you Robyn and J!)
7.  I am thankful for old and new friends.  Been catching up with old ones and making new ones.  It's cool.

Now I have that song stuck in my head..."Iiiiii want to thank you for giving me the best day of my liaife"  Now it's stuck in your head too, isn't it.  =)  My work is done here.

thankful thursday

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