So, I've finally reached the end of the trip. I've finally arrived in Melbourne after 121 days (just over 17 weeks, or just on 4 months) of an absolutely epic trip.
I stepped off the Jetstar Airbus A320-200 plane from Sydney early yestreday at Tullamarine airport, and was picked up by the family. I have temporarily settled with my mother and sister in Fountain Gate for the time being while I attempt to settle down and get used to things here. I've picked up an PAYG Australian SIM on the Optus network, and am now permanently on that number (I've retired my UK SIM and won't be using it within Australia for the time being): feel free to email me on my gmail account if you'd like to know the number; now I'm permanently back, I'd love to catch up with you all!
First impressions are, to be honest, confusing. It's a classic case of reverse culture shock: Melbourne - and the rest of Australia - has naturally moved on 10 years from the reference frame I remember; politics, construction, prices, even language. It's been odd reconnecting to it, although I've only been here a day so far: Melbourne is my home-city and I was born and raised here, but too much of my life and my personal perception has changed to easily just slide back into my old life (expected, naturally, having lived internationally for some time, and you really can't expect a city to stand still the entire time you're away). A friend of mine explained it as always entering a room from the same direction, only this time I've entered the same room from a different doorway: the room is the same, but the perspective is different. I myself am still somewhat of an outsider - of course, I only just got here - but my accent and slightly different language immediately advertise that to everyone I come across, and not that they treat me any differently, I notice I have some time to go before I adjust back to being a "local" again.
I've been warmly received by the family, and have met my little nephew for the first time (he's adorable!, naturally). And I've got the first Xmas with my family in years to look forward to. No plans for New Years just yet, but the vague plan for the time being is to survive Xmas and New Year, and then start looking for a job in the opening weeks of 2015: with the incredible hike in prices in Australia since I was last year and only a short reserve of pounds Sterling to keep me going, I will need a dependable income fast.
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