#017 - Delta Society

Jan 12, 2006 20:26

Alpha Males, Beta Persons, & The Delta Society

In the study of primate behavior by the anthropological giant Jane Goodall; when looked at conversely, the survival of a species would depend on the strongest most dominant of the group to survive IF! reality was an unchanging, omnipresent, fixed object and there was absolutely no chance of any random occurrences whatsoever. The survival of any species depends on luck. In the occurrence of any environmental change that drastically or even subtly changes the life cycle of a species for more then one generation, the survival of a group will depend on its ability to adapt to the change. In the short term it might appear that the biggest. Brawniest, physically strongest of the heap will always come out ahead-this may be maybe true for some animals like T-Rex’s, Polar bears, or ants. In the final analysis, Human survival depends on out maneuvering your competitor over the long haul. If the meat supply is suddenly cut off and the larger animals in a group can’t feed themselves they are the first to go. Ever seen a T-Rex rummaging around in the dumpster? Adaptability wins the evolutionary race.

The old maxim of the survival of the fittest postulated by Margret Mead is the shield that has allowed the beta male to function without notice. And what is the beta male function? To mate with the alpha males spouse while he is busy beating on some other guy. A species needs a nice diverse gene pool to best meet with the inevitability of changing external environmental conditions. It is the beta male that most often passes on his genes to the alpha females. Marriage is the alpha way of genetic obsolescence providing the best opportunity for the alpha male to keep his spouse in line. The survival of the species is greatly increases when children in a family are the offspring of several women and men. The multiple extended family has some great advantages the monogamy. (This was probably more true in the ancient world then our current world of over population.)
We must not let the alpha males discover this little truth/lie or he will get really upset. Teaching creationism (monotheism) will cover this up. Beta males actually benefit from keeping Alpha males ignorant, and take advantage of the dedication of the alpha male, protecting them from the terrible dangers of the outside world. How could beta males "get learned" if they had to constantly worry about firing shotguns or opening beer cans with their teeth.

As feminism becomes more successful and prominent the survival of the species depends on the ability to pick up feminists and convince them to let you impregnate them. How then will Jarheads pass on their genes I ask you? In order for the alpha male to continue to benefit society with his piece of chaos; the odd chance that being able to lift heavy things will actually be an evolutionary advantage someday, he must continue to convince women they actually benefit from staying at home and baking, and that having a block of wood for a mate actually provides emotional stability.

The alpha male, like the punter on a football team, has an important role to play, without him there is little hope of winning. Basically what he does is sit around until he is really needed while the beta males and females run around doing all the real defensive work like educating, healing, teaching, supporting and any skills involving brains or feelings. The alpha male doesn’t see this and he shouldn’t be expected to. His poor ego must never be attacked or made to feel inferior in anyway, this may distract him and he will miss the winning kick.

In this world of multi-cultural diversity, and complex social interactions, the perfect symmetry of such a system cannot be praised enough. If any of these mammalian dynamics were to be removed, our society, as we know it would grind to a standstill We must, Nay! I say, demand to have emotionally disconnected, strong willed men who can kill other human being without feeling the slightest bit of remorse; who can channel their rage by blaming a racial group of darker skin or of another culture or of another religion (or possibly all of the above) and beat them into submission. This is a good thing. It keeps this violence from coming out against our children and women. Don't you realize how expensive facial reconstructive surgery is!

The Beta male exists because of the break down of the family, created by sexist in-equality. If patriarchy falls so does the Beta Male and the Alpha male. They are mutually dependant on the other.
A Beta Male Prayer

We of the narrow shoulder wide hipped generation, give thanks to those who, build our homes, mine our coal, mow our lawns, and keep us safe from terrorist Finland. We praise you oh strong back muscled ones. Hear our pathetic wails. Our world would know much woe! If we had to dig our own ditches, or graves, lay pipelines, or cables, or sewer lines. We of the beta male faith know our alpha male brethren deeply appreciate our ability to be sensitive to their women in a way they cannot, (by giving them oral sex since they find it so loathsome to perform this themselves). We are glad to be of service; we have family values and pray to keep things running smoothly in the home especially when children are involved. Since its so hard to tell which ones are yours anyway we are glad to care for them if you should happen to divorce or are killed in military service.

All praise to the Alpha male for doing the hideous things that I am to frail to perform myself. I’m so glad I am not filled with such rage, leaving the killing to the strong men who can handle the enormous pressure of defending our freedom and who are big enough to operate heavy machinery. (provided they are not drunk at the time).
I love being a man! To bad my nipples don’t provide milk


The Delta Society

There is ALWAYS at least three positions to any argument. The frail human intellect does not like to complicate things with a third (or even fourth) option. The Delta male takes up the slack where both the alpha and beta male has failed. The alpha male is supposed to defend the group,(traditionaly a masculine role) the beta male is supposed to warn the group when danger is nearby (traditionally a feminine role). The Delta person can do both, by redefining masculinity and femininity. The Delta male and female has integrated “negative” emotions and is not afraid to express anger, but anger is modified by awareness of its effects on others. Anger and masculinity can be used to fight injustice, like sexism for instance, without apologizing for gender or sexual preference. Deltas are fully aware of the breakdown in responsibility of males in these post sexual revolution times- The delta society answers the question, “What is the opposite of casual sex?” with the answer , PASSIONATE SEX!

The Delta society recognizes that the keys to making a relationship strong is by using, lust, passion, and desire, to inspire fierce loyalty! Kids who grow up under the umbrella of their parents lust created utopia are likely to display those same qualities of fierce loyalty. This loyalty is the cornerstone that society is based on. Delta theory depends on the natural consequences of this assertion: that human beings can act out of self interest without guilt. Why be hypocritical about it. The measure of success is competence in the real world, a world that contains, pain, grey area, death, imperfection, uncertainty, randomness and disappointment. We succeed despite unsurmountable obstacles.
Passions Of The Delta Society

We believe that Pleasure biases human beings to Care for and strengthen each other!
We embrace the paradox that men and women are different, yet equal.
We support Lilith for not bowing down to Adam's authority, she is our mother.
We reject “divine” authority and embrace the maxim, "We have absolute authority over our bodies!"
We do not apologize for doubting authority, institutions or political views
We will adapt to a changing world without remorse for loss of social convention

We WILL To Live!

anarchy, lucifer, feminism

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