Attention AVG users!!

Nov 16, 2008 17:23

A lot of us use AVG. It's nice and free, and has in the past had excellent quality control.

Not at the moment, though.

Recently, the latest update identified Zone Alarm as a trojan.

They fixed that, so that now an important component to the Windows operating system was being identified as malware (stop laughing - Windows Vista isn't maliciously bad, it's just ... bad). Agreeing with AVG left your system FUBAR'd when you tried to restart it. They rushed out Yet Another Patch.

The patch works - sort of. AVG is no longer identifying the important Windows system file as malware. Instead, it's identifying Adobe Flash as malware.

Three strikes in less than a month. Impressive, AVG. To celebrate, the folks over at The Register offer this presentation from Youtube, some of the finest moments in soccer (or for the Europeans out there, "football"):

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