Are you up for this challenge?

Nov 14, 2008 12:52

There have been a number of challenges issued lately: yogurt, oatmeal cereal, the Ottawa Catholic Diocese, the B.C. Quality of Life Challenge, Canada Hockey Anthem Challenge, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

Well, here comes another one, and I have a challenge to the challenger: prove your sanity!

The challenge? The Seven Day Sex Challenge. Yes. Married couples, make love once a day for seven days. Aside from wearing out the bed (replacement of which should help the economy) and possibly making both spouses' parents happy with another grandson, the purpose is to prove that sex between a husband and wife is more fun and satisfying than purposeless couplings between strangers or mere acquaintances.

Are you up for it? The Prove The Pastor's Sanity Challenge, that is.
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