New Year, New stuff to do..

Jan 03, 2010 09:19

Looking back at this entry, I realised that I've only been able to fulfill 1 1/2 out of 4 resolutions which is number 1 and half of number 4 (to improve my vocals), lol. Guess I might have been too ambitious on the writing songs part but i'm pretty confident that by the end of this year, I'll be able to have my own song written out. Here's my list of resolutions for 2010.

Resolutions for 2010

1. Write my own song

2. Write a song for Aries Kaizer

3. Play rhythm guitar at a gig instead of doing vocals.

4. Get Aries Kaizer website up and running

5. Blog more often

Yep, they're realistic resolutions but fulfilling them isn't gonna be easy.. Looks like I'm gonna have to sacrifice more time and money for it.

Looking back, 2009 has been a great year for meeting lots of people and bands and getting in touch with people I haven't spoken with for ages. Here's hoping that 2010 is gonna be a kick ass year for myself, my band Aries Kaizer and all my friends. HUAT AH!! XD
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