Sep 16, 2005 06:32
I just got a response to my email about the Esthero show in Jacksonville. They said they haven't received any cancellation notification at this time, and, if they do, then they will email all ticket buyers via email. Well, I didn't order a ticket online so I guess I will just have to keep checking their website to see if the show is still going to happen. So far, it seems like the Jacksonville show is still on, and that will be the one I'm going to.
It's really late....or early in the morning. I'm still up because I didn't wind down after school as early as I usually do. I worked on stuff at school until 2 a.m. without a thing to eat. I was starving, but I really needed to get things done. Did I ever mention how much I hate having to work on the PC's at school only because the program we use is PC only? 3D Studio Max fucking blows. Everybody hates it because its reputation is just as bad as Quark's. I hope I won't be using that program anymore in the future. I thought the last time I used it would be the last time because 3D stuff didn't really seem like something a graphic designer would use. I don't think that way now that I've heard about certain jobs that use it. However, it's not something I want to do in my career. Just say "No." I'm making some progress with all the projects I have to do. I still have quite a bit to do, though.
1) Business Plan (barely started)
2) Put notebook together (haven't started, but so easy)
3) design a book cover (haven't started)
4) create a pop-up book (nowhere near started)
5) do a Photoshop tutorial for next Thursday (I know what I'm going to do)
6) finish ad for Tuesday's class (almost done, but doesn't have to be done for next week anyway)
7) create a "crash scene" in 3D Studio Max (almost done)
8) put three 3D models in a background environment, and make it look realistic
9) make-over my house in Photoshop (taking a photo tomorrow afternoon. The project shouldn't take too long)
10) New York project (I just have to get it printed. (I should be allowed to cross that one out)
11) Do an Illustrator and Photoshop tutorial for Advanced Illustration and Rendering class
That list just made me depressed. When I see everything listed, it looks like there are sooo many things I have to do. Maybe that's because there are.
Ok, I think I'm going to watch an episode of Lost, until I fall asleep. It looks like I might not be sleeping a full 8 hours, even though my class isn't until 6 p.m. That's pretty bad.