Sep 19, 2005 23:37
I thought I'd post my own feelings about everything going on since all I seem to keep reading
are these awful posts about how terrible the rest of the guild is being and how we seem to be
pissy people who think of everyone who left as traitors.
I'm glad that the people who left found a nice guild to move to. If anything I've taken time
out to purposefully talk to the people who have left whenever I see them. I've even gone as
far as to /whisper someone that left the guild that I hadn't seen in IF in a long time to say
hi and extend an invite to a group.
This whole idea that the people left in the guild are just cursing you guys and throwing a fit
about the move is ridiculous. I joined the guild for the express reason to play with some of the
people I've seen on the WoW journal and thats what I've gotten to do. I hold no hard feelings
about people leaving, in fact I'm planning on leaving as well in the future.
My personal feelings are that the guild leader should be someone who is active and not someones
alt. I think of a guild leader as being an example to other guilds about what our guild is about
and who we are. I really don't believe a low level alt can command that attention.
And on to another matter that some people may have only received one side of the story. I did not
attack Xella. I made it be known I was unhappy with the manner in which she removed a guild member.
And then I took the matter into /whispers. The chat was moved into /g when Xella responded to me
in general guild chat. If anything I wanted to AVOID bringing anyone into it. I also voiced a concern
that it was unprofessional to link personal views and personal posts to a community. To me it is a
passive aggressive way of saying "well I know it would be outright bad to post this in the community...
so I'll just link my personal journal to a post that vaguely mentions it."
I would never post a personal entry containing negative conotations about a guild member and then make
it available for guildies to see. I just don't think thats right.
Either way it seems like there is a big them and us feeling now and I honestly feel that my point of
view will not be understood by anyone that is not a part of the guild currently.
P.S. I also think community entries should not have comments disabled.
P.P.S. I'm also saddened that some of the guild members are being referred to as "bad eggs".