WATCHMEN plus others Update

Oct 12, 2008 11:10

The latest Watchmen production journal is now up all over the intrawubs.
This one (#7 for those keeping count) focusses on the tech behind bringing Dr. Manhattan to the big screen.

Naturally there will be spoilers, you have been warned :D

So, let's sit back with Mr. J and enjoy the show!

Hi Def versions of the vid can be downloaded here.

All the following screen grabs were taken from the HD version.

How to turn on Billy Crudup?

Dress him in a Tron suit and point a car alarm remote at him (pervert).

"Dear Billy, you look like a Tron-fetishist. Seriously".

This guy should play Hal Jordan in the Green Lantern film.

Yeah, I see you checking out his glowing crotch...

"If this starts flashing, run like hell., except you Mr. Crudup. You just get nekkid really fast!" :D

The true secret behind Dr. Manhattan's power - Duracell!

Here's Manhattan giving Silk Spectre II air, on Mars.

That's right, suck it up lady.

He tends to forget humans need to do things, like breathing.

These two pics are only here to show how wonderfully the blue glow reflects in the shiney black latex.

See? :D

Tron with a skin condition.

Test footage? I was hoping for "Testicle" footage :(

Oh look, a "300" poster ;) The Poison poster is for their "Look what the cat dragged in" album, released in 1986 - the year following the events of Watchmen.

Dr. Manhattan as seen in the trailer, 'splodin' them pesky Viet-Cong soldiers to pieces.

The Dr's lab. That big blue glowy 'pill' is the visual referance used for when he's 45' tall.

GN panel referance to the scene they are shooting.

To the right of the panel, just above white t-shirt guy, you can see Jackie Earl Haley dressed as Rorschach (without the mask and hat but still with the ginger hair!)

Here's where Rorschach enters the lab

And looks up to speak to Dr. Manhattan

As Billy walks toward Silk Spectre II and Rorschach, you'll see Dr. Manhattan shrink to human size on screen.

Laurie Juspeczyk/Silk Spectre II (Malin Ackerman) in red robe, shooting a scene with multiple Dr's.

Laurie kicks off at Manhattan. The multiple versions of him are part of the reason ;)

Part of that scene, as seen in the first trailer.

Nice little blue flash as the Dr reintergrates his other selves

Close up of his glowing blue superpowered face.

They've put exploding star effects in his eyes, hinting at the awesome power contained within - which is in direct contrast to his inability to fully relate to human beings.

Rorschach gets a look at some big blue glowing ass

Oooh shiney!

Zapped in the glowing blue wang...

Obey the Fist!

A Dr. Manhattan eye view of teeny Rorschach

"No Rorschach, I cannot see your house from up here!"

Zack Snyder and WB have confirmed that the next Watchmen trailer will be attached to the new James Bond film "Quantum of Solace". It's released in the US on Nov.14th, so chances are they won't let us in the UK have it first when QoS is released here on Oct.31st. Here's hoping though!


That comment I made about Billy Crudup playing Hal Jordan? Well, the Green Lantern film is going ahead with pre-production (to be released in 2010). Latino review have a script review as does IESB (who could have the most up-to-date draft).

SuperHeroHype report that WB want Ryan Gosling to play Hal Jordan. At least they aren't pursuing David Boreanaz anymore... but still, Ryan Gosling?!. I'll stick with my choice of Billy Crudup (even though he's 40, and Hal's 27), at least he looks gthe part! :)

Also recently reported is that DC/WB are waiting to sign on for Batman 3 before releasing any info on the new Superman film and other projects.

What we do know is that WB are rebooting the Superman franchise (thankfully) after Singers' remake of Superman 1 failed to meet expectations. They've promised the tentatively titled "Man of Steel" will be far more action packed next time around - which it desperately needs to be honest.

Speaking of "300" (well, I mentioned it earlier didn't I) there is indeed a prequel/sequel in the works ("301", "300,000", "300 2:Spartan Boogaloo"?). Zack Snyder is directing, naturally, and it will go ahead as soon as Frank Miller has actually finished the writing and art on the book itself. Which should be sometime after he stops buggering the corpse of Will Eisner with his film adaption of The Spirit...

Unless any news on the Fox~Warners Watchmen lawsuit turns up before hand, I expect the next Watchmen update to include the Nov.6th video journal and (hopefully) screen shots~GN comparison and review of the new Watchmen trailer :)

dave gibbons, zack snyder, the spirit, batman, vid, warner brothers, frank miller, alan moore, watchmen, 300, film, will eisner, dc comics, green lantern, superman, pics

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