Oct 23, 2008 17:03
So, The holiday, started on September 1st with an early morning flight and a late landing to finish. Pa (Dad) always said Day 1 was the worst day of any holiday, and yes, I can now fully agree, as soon as the holiday starts you can call it over. Time follows no normal physical phenomena while the word 'holiday' is bandied about. Day 1 is day 1, then days 2 to x just seem to blur together and before you know it your home and work is calling to say that there have been some interesting changes and could you come in an hour early on Monday.
Anyhow, On with the story:
Left home at 0330 to swing by Mum and Pa's and pick Pa up. Got the the airport just on the 3hr marker, checked in our baggage and went for a coffee. Mum, Shelly and K's parents came to see us off.
Into the Departure lounge for the first time. After so many times seeing people go through those doors at the airport I think I had set myself up in expecting something with a little more grandeur. Still it was a first step.
Had a rather turbulent flight into Singapore where we had a 6hr stop over. I must say Singapore was far closer to what I was expecting from Perth airport through the departure lounge doors. That place is massive, shops everywhere and so much to do just in the airport. Had lunch and was to many coffee's waiting for our connecting flight to Bangalore. Also walked pretty much every square inch of Changi airport.
After our Connecting flight to Bangalore we had arrived, 2230 or there abouts, local time. We were picked up at the airport by my Aunt and one of my cousins. My cousin had used her influence at work to get a company driver to take us back to their place, where we met the rest of the crew.
Traffic at that time of night resembles freeway traffic just after peak hour. Still fairly busy but moving. Problem being these guys don't stick to their lanes, the beeping is incessant and they try to squeeze 4 or 5 lanes of traffic onto a road marked with 2 lanes. Still they seem a lot more fluent drivers than a lot of people I have seen at home trying to navigate simple single lane traffic...
We ended staying up to about 2am chatting and catching up / getting to know each other. They have met Pa before, 10 yrs ago maybe, and only spoken to me a half dozen times (maybe) on the phone. So it was an interesting night.
Stay tuned for day 2, or take a sneak peak at www.geatjealous.com/kate.dan