Nov 16, 2005 23:30
Es tut mir leid für dir nicht helfen. Ich kann das nicht machen....aber ich mochte dir helfen, ich mochte alles helfen, ich mochte die welt, und ich mochte was sind besser für dir.
Went to 4 out of 5 classes today and that ain't fucking bad. Did a presentation that I think went rather well, turned in a paper and made out like a fucking bandit. Went to Four Peaks tonight to meat up with Mr. Shon. It was pretty cool, had some good food and a couple a beers. Those two kiltlifters had me kinda buzzed. Went to Coffee Rush and hung out with Andee, Erik, Mark, Mountain Mark, and Monica. Thought I would put all the M's at the end there. So now I am sitting here at home contemplating just what it is I am contemplating. I do not understand why I should write this paper using the works of two established academics as sources. Would it not be better for the person doing the research instead of reading my paper to instead read the works of the two people I am basing my entire paper upon? It makes absolutely no sense to teach students to simply regurgitate information, they are not learning how to research, the scientific method approach, not goto the library and see what some other fuckers have done. Oh well, not like I have time for a scientific process to write a paper on either. I think I am going to go see Harry Potter tomorrow, I cannot wait! I work 10-2 tomorrow so hopefully I will get a large portion of my paper written as it is due on Monday and I will not have much time to write it with work and the show this weekend. Shank Shank Shank the man with the plan, twist the knife as he falls, it is all in due time that the revolution will begin, and Dan Rather will again be smited by chainsaw. Why think, Why think, it is overrated, that is why god invented mind altering substances, drink and smoke your pains away. They don't exist for that little period of time that makes life worth living. Then it is back to reality and the only thing that doesn't exist is god, the faith that is robbed is depressing. I know you will all think that I am under the influence of alcohol but I am not, but whatever that is irrelevant. I feel like I am standing on a wall, feeling ten feet tall, and I am swaying back and forth with the thought swirling around in my head, I cannot wait to enjoy the hard fall as a ten foot tall person on a wall would. It is not that it would be a fun landing, but the reaction of myself upon the hard fall would be interesting to see in how I handled myself. The world in general is very humorous in the situations that it puts individuals in, and how people react is everything. So yeah I do not know what I want anymore and it is a very discerning feeling. Without direction or purpose life just makes no sense. Maybe I should find Jesus, ha, why has that god guy forsaken me, ah fuck him he has better shit to do like get a dead virgin to appear in a cheese sandwich. The fantasy escape to movie land will be nice, I need to goto a place where anything is possible, where magic and mischief are the name of the game. The boundaries set up by reality box my mind into a corner in which everything must make sense, that is why flights of fantasy are healthy, or without such things I just might truly go mad. Potter, Potter, Potter, do you know you are the chosen one, like the Jesus of witchdom. You know Potter cannot die, at least not yet, but it is still going to be a great flick. So anyway enough random babble, time for some sleep.