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Aug 30, 2007 16:11

Ok, I'm thinking about a respec.(again!)

See, my current problem lies in that with Demo/Affliction, My focus is on A) Survivability, and B)DOT, with Burst from Nightfall.

Average Mob life in our groups: 6 seconds. Time needed to get effective damage/mana ratio from DOTs: 24 seconds. See the problem?

So, I'd like a more DD focused build, but I love my survivability.


Soul Link (30% damage to pet, pet has 2k life for simplicity, therefore, Soul link = 2000 life, as long as I have about 5k life.

Demonic Sacrifice, at 5k life, restoring 3%(150) every 4 seconds, generates 2000 life over 53 seconds. So, whenever I live longer than 53 seconds, ignoring outside healing, DS > Soul Link, expect that DS doesn't give 3% extra damage. Also, DS is regeneration, which reduces downtime, while Soul Link is an increased life total, increasing downtime, though my pet does heal on it's own. DS has the added benefit of being versatile, in that I can understand it. I've started on Stone of Tears, which is similarly wuite good. I'm just hoping it doesn't turn out like the Wheel of Time, where each book is (at best) half as good as the one before it. That got old really quick.

Aside from that, I'm really looking forward to the break. See, the dorm I'm staying in right now sucks. alot. There's some morons who like pulling the fire alarm at 4 AM, which means everyone has to go wait on the sidewalk until the Fire Dept comes out and assures that there is no fire. This usually takes an hour. It's winter. In michigan. Last time they did it, it was 15 degrees outside, and at 5:30 in the morning. When I was trying to sleep. I was NOT happy. If I find out who did it, that someone will be in pain.
Furthermore, the internet here sucks. A wireless-only network connection, in a concrete building? W.T.F.
Soon, I'll be back at home, with a nice, speedy connection and no Fire alarms. Next work-term it's back to finding an apartment, even if it is $300 more per month. C'est la Vie, Such is the price of decent housing.

[[EDIT: About WoW!]]

Blood Elf dance!!

More dancing, and the Elusive Blood Elf Jump! Also has other emotes
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