May 01, 2009 00:38
A query, for those of you with knowledge of both musical theater and other genres of music.
I will (probably, depending on scheduling) host a week of our local trivia night at some point in June, and because it's fun, I'm starting to work on putting together the questions. The final round each week (of ten questions) is the music round, where the participants have to identify the names of five songs and the artists of five songs by listening to a thirty-second clip.
For my music round, I decided to do songs for musical theater. However, to make at least a gesture in the direction of the general public, I chose instead to do popular versions of songs from musical theater, rather than the originals. For example, I'm thinking of using Nina Simone's "Pirate Jenny" (aka "The Black Freighter") and Susan Boyle's "I Dreamed a Dream." Weird adaptations of Broadway songs are also okay; I may very well use Gwen Stefani's "Rich Girl."
But I'm having difficulty coming up with ten of these, so I turn to you. Help a fish out?
(Oh, the song need not be popular now, or even recently. A chart-topper in the seventies or eighties, or even earlier, is perfectly fine, since the crowd at this thing is fairly diverse in terms of age.)