(no subject)

Aug 04, 2008 00:48

I went to Sungei Wang today, the official reason is to buy clothes, the unofficial one (not told to my mum) is to buy mangas. The first half of the day is, literally, HELL. Why? Because for every shirt I tried on, my godmother keep commenting about horizontal body growth in her loud voice. Seriously, I know I'm fat. But is there a need to advertise the fact to everyone within hearing (which is a lot, given my godmother's loud decibels)? She also did this in a branded clothing store, along with frequent comments on how it would be cheaper if it's in Jusco, blablabla....with the shop assistant hovering nearby. Even my mother got uncomfortable.

At least later I managed to find clothes that could fit me AND make me look good. This, if nothing else, convinces me that God do exist. The clothes are, ironically enough, from a Japanese clothing line. Now there's another thing to add to my list of favourite things from Japan.

I escaped from my mother and my godmother to go to my favourite manga bookstore. Although it doesn't have a vast collection of mangas like Borders, it does have all the series I love, and quite a complete collection of them too. I bought five mangas, Gagahnya! Kelab Manik or the its Japanesse title, Otokomae! Beads Kurabu by Motomi Kyousuke, Le Gardenie: Party of Three by Ben and three Gundam Wing graphic novels.

I realised that I'm fast becoming a fan of Motomi sensei, considering the fact that I ditched volume 32 of Samurai Deeper Kyo just to buy her latest manga published by Art Square. I just love her somewhat cliched, but still enjoyable stories. I don't think I'll be able to resist buying any of her other mangas that Art Square might publish in future.

P.S - I told my mum I only buy TWO mangas, instead of FIVE. She will definitely have a bigger fit. Oh, and my dad bought me a PDA phone and an mp3 player for my upcoming birthday. Hurray for dad! ^_____^
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