
Nov 08, 2004 00:37

So I got back from Nekocon not to long ago. It's easily one of my favorite cons. Always small, so I have much time to hang out with people I don't see very often. I shall lay it down in an orderly like fashion day by day.

Thursday- I had a closing shift at work. After I came home, I had just thrown my clothes into the washer when Luis showed up. It turned out to be a good thing, letting Luis rest while I gathered up my much needed Con Items. After the clothes were done and I was packed, we headed out for Chesapeake, VA. It wasn't a bad trip, and the Initial D music made it fly by. We arrive at the hotel, and find that Paul is very much Asleep. So we call up to his room and wake him up to get our keys. He comes down, and Luis and I are on our way out to the car to get the bags, when I hear my name called. I turn around and see another friend of mine, Wynn. We say hello, I tell her I'll be right back and head out for the stuff. We take the stuff up to the room, and then Paul and Luis crash, so I head back downstairs to hang out with Wynn. We stay up untill the sun rises, just hanging out.

Friday- So I get to sleep about 7 AM. I wake up around 10ish. Take a shower, and when I get out, Elka and one of her Friends is in the room, chillin with Luis and Paul. Paul, Elka, and Friendguy(Sorry, I don't remember catching your name...) head out and I take a small nap while Luis hits the shower. After he's all sparkly clean, we are about to go pick up our badges when Wynn shows up. We head out to the convention center, and get our badges. Pre-Regging is awesome, makes it so much easier to get your badge. Friday is fairly uneventfull. We scour the dealers room for Hentai, I pick up JoJo dvd 1/box for 10 bucks, and we hang out. Wynn picked up a nice little chinese dress from the Dealers room, so we had to hit Wal-Mart for things that would go with the dress, that was a fun adventure. OH! And I drug Peter to Shinesman, which I firmly belive every anime fan should see onee, DUBBED. It's really good. After that I hung out with Wynn, Elka, and guy outside the Live Action movie room till well into the morning. We caught the end of a movie that apparently had Nipple Biting Crotch Goblins, and then we saw the begining of one of the movies they butchered to make Kung Pow. The group of us grabbed some breakfast from the Buffet, and then decided that bed would be good after hanging out in front of the 6th floor elevator for awhile.

Saturday- I fell asleep around 9 am. I woke up noonish, did the shower thing. Hung out in the room with Luis and Wynn till about 5, then we went to the Food Lion to get a camera and gummies. We ended up with some liquor that noone drank, and some Hot Pockets. We headed immediately for the convention center to pick up some Hentai, but they weren't letting anyone else into the dealers room. We went back to the room where we hung out for a bit, then everyone else came to the room too. We watched the Violinist of Hameln movie, which was funny, then we watched half of the most Vile thing to exsist on this earth. Bondage Game. It's hentai, oh yes, but there are some many wrong things...Snuff and Scat just name some of the tame stuff. Noone wants the disc anymore, not even Paul, who bought it. So we stuck a note on it that says "Do not eat before viewing. Watch once then pass it along, keep the legend alive." and then Paul, Luis, and D went to put it in the elevator. They rushed down the stair to keep an eye on the elevator to see if anyone picked it up. The elevator came down once, it was still there. It came down again, some people got off, and It was gone. We hope we managed to scar someone. People went elsewhere, leaving me and Wynn to hang out. We talked, it was cool. I enjoyed hanging out with her all weekend, good times. After the dance ended, everyone trickled back in, then left for the Yaoi pannel, that was apparently hilarious thanks to comments made by one of Paul's friends. Eventially people got sleepy, so Wynn and I headed down stairs and hung out in the lobby till sunrise again. Then we went to sleep, to prepare for the final day.

Sunday- I fell asleep around 7am, woke up at 10 thanks to Housekeeping banging on the door. Very groggily I get up and start packing, everyone else begining to do the same. We pack, relocate possesions to the car, then scour the Dealer's Room one more time. Luis and I have a Tradition at Neko, we scour the H-Doujin bins on the last day to see if there is anything worth buying. He picks up a few things, doujins, artbook, manga. Paul and Peter head out since Peter isn't feeling to hot. We head back to the hotel, hang out in the lobby some more, then Luis and I have to leave, so he can get back to Jersey for school tomorrow. We get to the car, where I ritualisticly empty the camera of it's remaining pics. We end up standing outside for another 30-40 min. talking to the guy parked next to us. Then we really have to leave. We say our goodbyes to Wynn, hugs and all that stuff, and head out. Luis gets pulled over for Reckless Driving, but other than that, the return trip was pretty uneventfull.

It was good all around, I got to see peoples, Like D and Elka. I got to hang out with Wynn and to a lesser extent, Julia, both cool peoples I wish I could hang out with more often. Luis of course is awesome to hang out with, and his 22nd B-day was this past Sunday, so Happy B-Day dude. Nekocon is differnt, its small, and the GoTaku do not attend. It's nice to hang out with a different group of con buddies. Hanging out with each group is different, but neither is better than the other, just different. I also learned a couple things at this con.

1- Some girls like to play with Long Hair, and It feels good when they do.

2- Trunks Fangirls are scary. I was sure that girl in the elevator was gonna attempt to jack my shirt after she glomped me.

3- There is in fact something as Wrong Hentai.

Important Lessons that shall be kept to heart. Damn shame the con had to end....*sigh*
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