Fitness Update - April 2012

Apr 13, 2012 01:14

Monthly getting fit log, April 2012

So, not sure if many people are aware of this, but I'm trying to avoid fast foods and trying to get some more upper body strength. I'm going to be logging my process on a monthly bases just so I can keep track of progress.

First month in has been kettle bells and rock climbing. Thanks to Xivu, I went to Planet Granite about two weeks ago for my first "bouldering", which is the basic rock climbing wall. Well, it was really a lot of fun and I was sore for two days after, so there is a lot of work to too. I just signed up for the month long intro class which will go over the basics of belay, which is using rope and such to climb the big walls.

Also, decided to stop with the fast food and frozen foods except on Saturdays. It's been going rather well so far, been cooking various protein things like chicken and pork with a side salad and some zero calorie drink of some kind.

Plus, about three times a week, it's kettle bell time for a good 15 minutes or so with a 20 pound weight.

I already feel a lot better and seem to have a bit more energy then I did before. Lifting things is a little bit easier and I feel better about myself over all.

I started this after I realized I spend a weekend eating nothing but fast food and feeling very tired and out of it the few days after.

Plus I was inspired by Soltris' weight loss, I figured if he could loss that much weight, I could get a little bit better in shape.

fitness, rock climbing

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