Fic - Merlin 2010 - A Fresh Start

Nov 07, 2009 00:15

Two stories, one day - can anyone tell that Nano isn't going so well?

Title: Merlin 2010 - A Fresh Start
Fandom: Merlin Modern AU
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, Gwen/Morgana, Uther, Gaius
Rating: All
Contains: (skip) An Office, Coffee, First Day Nerves, Me Ruthlessly Ripping Off The IT Crowd, Smoking, Mistaken Identities, Fashion Advice, Soapy Water, Computer Crisis, Hiding, Tennis, Nightclubs, Unexpected Meetings, Confrontations, Breaking and Entering, A Double Edged Reward
Length: 8,500 words-ish.
Notes: Written for
shikishi for The Fall Fandom Free-For-All. She requested a "Modern Day AU where Merlin is the new IT guy at Uther's multimillion dollar corporation. Arthur hates his job and Merlin confuses him for someone who works in the Caf on the first day - Arthur never bothers to correct him." Which sounded far too many types of fun for me to resist. I hope you like it.
Download Link (complete story, word file):

Summary: Arthur is having a bad day at the office but things start to look up when he runs into the IT department's new employee...


fic, merlin

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