one year.

Jun 02, 2006 23:07

so this is going to be a big reflection entry.
one year ago today, i and my fellow alums graduated as bishop feehan's class of 2005.

that day seems like it was centuries ago...but at the same exact time, it feels like it was just yesterday.
as bad as things have gotten over the past two years, they have had theyre sweet moments.
bishop feehan. what a school. it was hard going throuhg it, many days spent loathing it and sometimes the people in it, but when you look back now, how many of the bad things do you remember. i was watching everybody loves raymond today. and he was giving a speech at robert and amy's wedding and he was talking about editing memories. and although i still remember all the bad things that occured senior year and periodically throughout high school, i dont really associate them with feehan.
i wish everyone could have a feehan. i wish everyone could have had a class like ours. and i wish our class realized how much we loved each other earlier.
i like how with almost anyone from our class i can run into and have a 20 minute conversation with like no time went by. those are the people that make coming home not so bad.
many college returnees must share the sentiment of not feeling home here anymore. and i am one of those people who CANNOT wait to get back to school, but i live for those moments when it feels like no time has passed.

the 'o5 seniors were seriously the shit. no one can say otherwise. (and everyone knows it, above and below).

i used to say "if i ever say high school is the best years of my life shoot me". im not going to say that exclusively those 4 years were the best of my life. if anything. they began the best years of my life....well at least what i choose to dwell upon from the past.

lifes hard. and i think we all know that first hand, all of us to different severities. but, to quote Elizabethtown (which you should all watch to gt life), "it takes time to extract joy from life".
i mean that is one of the most true things i have ever heard. it just sucks that sometimes you cant realize how great things are until you reflect upon it. and i know right now, any of you who are reading this are probably have some instance running through your head and youre smiling to yourself because youre extracting that joy out of high school. and think about it, if its just been a year, or a day out, imagine how much more joy high school will have caused years down the line.

and know that no matter how seperated we may have become over the year apart, or how little we have, i still love you guys with such a deep passion. you guys all helped me in some way find my self, even though i havent really done that, but just your presence has brought about self discovery and appreiction.

so congrats 'o6 graduates, and i love and miss you all my 'o5 kids.

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