More books, cooking and a chocolate frog

Feb 15, 2012 11:29

I finished a few books over the last week, especially over the weekend when I had the house to myself (and other than shopping with a friend on Friday, I did not leave my house until Monday morning - I even sent my Teen out to gather the newspapers and the mail when he returned home on Sunday.)

First up was "A Hole in the World" by Sid Hite, a young adult novel following a young man sent to work on a farm for the summer. Next up - The Capture of the Earl of Glencrae" by Stephanie Laurens. I liked it more than some of her most recent titles. Victoria Thompson's "Murder on Sister's Row" was OK, but she really needs to give fans a bit more of a relationship between the lead characters. "The Sisters" by Nancy Jensen was both hard to put down, but the ending made me a bit sad. I loved Mabel and Daisy, and found the story of Bertie and her daughters to be far less compelling.
I also read "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin.

Oh, and I got a chocolate frog for Valentine's Day. Kissing him did not turn it into a prince. Eating him was not as delicious as it could have been, as he was made with milk chocolate.

reading 2012

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