LOL, this is awesome.

Mar 10, 2004 14:46

So Dr. J sends out an e-mail at 11:17 this morning to the o-chem list and the intro-chem list.

Please attend the seminar today, you will find it very interesting.

Dave Grainger, from Colorado State University, will be here for a
seminar today, 11:30 in Collins 205.

If you attend you will receive a few points of extra credit.


Well, that's great, Dr. J... except you sent the e-mail thirteen minutes before the seminar began! Now, isn't that convenient, considering he never gives extra credit....

So, after a bit of deliberation, I sent this out to the o-chem list, and back to Dr. J:

I would like everyone to notice Dr. J's evil and most insidious plot to
pretend to offer extra credit, but then not have to actually give any
out... seeing as he sent the e-mail about the seminar fifteen minutes
before the thing started. :-P Only geeks like me who check their e-mail
constantly (some would say 'obsessively', but I don't listen to them)
would've had the chance to get that elusive extra credit, and even I
didn't see the e-mail until ten minutes after the seminar started. Dr. J,
you are indeed very ornery as of late. ;)

~Gina Johnson

Teehee. Teehee.

Now to sit back and wait for a reply.... :-D


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