I am tired. I shouldn't be tired. I've been getting 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night, going to bed no later than 1:30. Why do I feel exhausted today? I've had barely any workload and my first tests aren't even until next week; what's tiring me out?
In other news, remember
my post about my hand and arm aching? Well, it never really stopped. For a while my arms just hurt from pulling muscles doing poi, but this whole week they've been alternately achey (in anywhere from the hand itself to the wrist to the forearm to the elbow to the shoulder), and numb or weak-feeling. Like, I can still grip things handily, but I feel almost tired when I have to hold something for a while. As for the numbness, it's like my arms feel numb on the inside -- touching the skin still yields regular sensation, but the inside feels like it's falling asleep, almost. The aches seem worse in the morning and at night, but I still get an ebb and a flow to them; right now there's a heavy ache in my right forearm, but twenty minutes ago I didn't really feel anything. I half-wonder if most of this is in my head and I'm worrying for no reason, but it genuinely does not feel normal.
I hope it's nothing more than carpal tunnel, or even just some random thing going on that will go away soon. But I know that extremely serious things like multiple sclerosis involve nerves and numbness and can onset in the college years... I need to not think along that route, really, because that's too scary. Also, that's very, very, very unlikely.
I have an appointment with the health center on Monday (as it's now been bothering me for 9 straight days); let's hope they can sort it right.
And now, it is off to a nap.