Mar 22, 2009 20:59
To save money, Kyle and I are trying to eat out only once a month. (Although I have broken that rule a couple of times this month - oops). We like to try places that we haven't been before. Well tonight, we went to the Blue Plate Diner....a place I have been several times before but Kyle had never been there. The Blue Plate is one of my favourite places to eat in Edmonton. Nowhere else can you get an order of homemade macaroni and cheese (my absolute favourite) with delicious roasted veggies on the side. And beet cake for dessert....mmm. Plus, they have the best cafe mochas ever. So as I write this I am very full and happy, heh.
Yesterday, I did a reference "job shadow" at the Lois Hole branch of EPL. Lois Hole is a brand new branch (it just opened up in the fall) and it's one of the nicest libraries I've been in. I got to experience working on a reference desk again. The branch I work in is so small that there's just one desk for everything - circulation, children's and reference. But Lois Hole has a separate reference desk. A small one (only big enough for two people) but a reference desk nevertheless. I kind of didn't "shadow" at all, I was pretty much thrown right in and was answering questions left and right. I kind of forgot how much I like reference. It really got me thinking about issues that have come up lately in the world of library science - issues about whether or not librarians belong on reference desks.
A lot of people have argued that librarian jobs should be mostly off desk..........and leave the "nitty gritty" work, like circ and reference to library techs and library assistants.
I really bristled at this point of view. My love of reference and being able to be out in the middle of the all the action within the library is the reason I became a librarian in the first place. I didn't become a librarian to sit in an office all day, or do all the "business" crap that comes along with being a manager. But it seems like the concept of the "librarian" job is focusing more and more on the business aspect. And that really bugs me. I could see myself fighting to keep librarians out where all the action is. Because that's where they belong, in my opinion. I really can't see myself as a library manager. I don't want to be anywhere near budgeting or marketing or any of that crap. I belong on the reference desk! At least I get to do a little bit of desk work in my current job!
And that ends the library rant, heh. In other literary news, I am now on the last book of the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn. I finally got a copy of the third book, Eclipse, and poured my way through it within a couple of days, and immediately placed a request on Breaking Dawn, which thankfully didn't take too long to arrive. I really am enjoying this series, much more than I thought I would. And I rented the movie yesterday and watched it....twice. (Mostly so Kyle could see it, heh). I thought it was a fairly good interpretation of the book....although horribly rushed in some parts, especially near the end. But I thought the casting was pretty darn good (love Kristen Stewart as Bella) and I liked most of the music and cinematography. I really liked the montage during the end credits as well. But yeah, I have seen better movies (doesn't compare to the Harry Potter movies in my opinion) but I did quite like it.
Now to go see what Kyle is watching on TV! Sounds like The Simpsons! :-D