Feb 21, 2012 10:06
i was at this like...vacation resort thing
but it felt more like a detox place
and like i was there for some kind of spiritual therapy
i ended up in this one session where i was supposed to like. mediate and focus on my chakras and clearing them out and i ended up weeping/crying everything out.
kinda strange dream to have before going into one of the most spiritual times in catholic/christian religion.
I kiiiiiiiiind of think it means something as I ponder the dream a little bit more this morning. I already announced/came up with the idea that I'm going to give up all social media for lent, but I think I might try and expand that further into being more socially/spiritually conscious - not being so judgemental and complainy and sarcastic. and trying to maybe meditate more effectively
Also in body - less to no coffee, and trying to be more community/locally/environmentally involved(?) in terms of the produce I buy to eat/cook with. And of course, work out more blah blah blah - but that will be more for the fact that I have tryouts in a few months.
So we'll see how it goes. :-D See you all in April!
social media,