You never lose in your razor blade shoes

Aug 23, 2004 11:36

Just woke up from a really awesome episode of Andy Griffith.

~\/~\/~Enter Dream Sequence~\/~\/~
It started out with me walking out to a chicken coop or something. I looked inside to see what was going on, and found Aunt Bee masturbating on the floor. I thought, wow, that's an odd thing to see in a show from the 50's. I made my way back to the house and looked in the window, where I saw Andy Griffith, with his girlfriend in his lap having sex, in his sheriff's clothes as usual. I wondered, "Hey, where the hell is Opie during all of this". Maybe I was seeing it from Opie's point of view.

Next scene it switched to Barney Fife guarding the bank's safe at night. Suddenly 4 bank robbers walk in with their pistols drawn demanding that Barney open the safe. Barney said, " Now there's no way you can get into this new safe, it's magnetically sealed". He gave a small tug on the safe's handle and the door swung open to reveal a small pile of cash (it is Mayberry after all). Barney threw up his hands and said "There's no way you're gonna get away with this!" The bank robber's chuckled, I mean, it's 4 bank robbers against 2 cops in the entire town, and only one of them has bullets in their gun.

One of the bank robbers flipped on a light switch, triggering an alarm instead of turning on a light. He quickly tuned it back off and Andy immediately called on the phone. The following conversation took place:
Andy: "Is everything all right Barn?"
Barney, with a gun to his forehead: "Yeah, everything's great Andy...."
Andy: "Now are ya sure? I just saw the alarm go off down at the bank."
Barney: "Everything's fine n' dandy....."
Andy: "All right" *click*
Barney: *gulp*

The bank robbers collected their money and ran out the door, leaving Barney behind. One shouted back to him. "Now we're gonna go kill 4 people! One fat, one drunk, one lazy, and one sleepy!"

Exit to Commercial

~/\~/\~End Dream Sequence~/\~/\~

Yo soy un disco quebrado
Yo tengo chicle en el cerebro
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