(no subject)

Aug 08, 2004 17:47

Friday night, Derric, Trey, Cody, Jeremy, Sandra, Rachael, and myself all went camping in my Grampa's woods. We all took around 2.5 grams of mushrooms (all but Rachael, who decided to be an observer), and prepared for the journey.

It hit Sandra first as we sat on the cabin's porch, and Jeremy and Trey soon followed. As I waited I spent my time drawing and watching everyone else lose the barriers in their minds. It hit me last after about 1.5 hours, just after dusk. Derric had gotten up and went exploring earlier and had been gone for a long time. I grabbed a flashlight and headed in the woods then to search for Derric, and do some exploring of my own. I sat there in the middle of the woods in darkness for several minutes, then decided it was just too scary to sit there alone, so I headed back hoping I would remember the way.

Luckily I did, and when I arrived back at camp I had found Derric. He had gone in the opposite direction from me and discovered a strange white rock. He was puzzled as to what it could possibly be, he knew it was some sort of mineral from the texture, and it broke up easily. He then gave it a taste test and discovered it was a salt lick.

Hearing this story from Derric built up my urge to explore as well, so we set out to find the magical things around us that we usually fail to notice. I spent a good while studying ragweeds and various types of trees, then we both sat in the grass and learned how it feels to live without consciousness from the great maple tree. The sky grabbed my attention next, and I witnessed the most beautiful starry night I've ever laid my eyes upon. There were thousands of them, with hardly any space between one star and the next, with star colors ranging from blues to reds to whites to yellows. I could almost feel myself floating up into them as I laid on my back in the dew covered grass, but my body's call for warmth prevented me from gazing much longer, quite a shame.

The rest of the night I just spent lost in dialogue with my inner God, and watching the electricity shoot off of the fire. It ended around 1am, and exhausted I retired to my tent. It wasn't an overly good trip or bad trip, it was both, but it was a learning and bonding experience for sure.

We woke up around 9am and packed up camp, and each headed our own way back to our homes. I slept most of my birthday away, and awoke around 4 to go spend some time with my cousin before he headed back to Washington. We ended up staying there most of the night watching taped Wild Discoveries about monkeys. I believe everyone shares a common interest in monkeys, and I'd say it's because they're the closest things we have to relatives in a world where we don't fit in. My presents were mostly cigarettes, and about $35. My dad bought me a carton of Pall Mall's which happen to be disgusting, but I'm thinking that they'll make it easier to quit once I finish them all off.

Today I mostly hung out with Warren online, and took a short break to play frisbee with Trey and Steve. I wish I had worked some this week, I miss my companions.
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