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Here's the newest video of my babyboo Cav taking a little walk. He stops to sniff a smelly slipper :)
I have the cutest cat on the planet.
Also, i had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed on friday. It's totally sucko. I wouldn't leave my house til yesterday. My mouth is throbbing and I haven't eaten anything but oatmeal and yogurt for the past 5 days. I'm still really scared to chew anything thats not completely mushy. Ugh. My left cheek swelled up pretty huge. I had to miss orientation for my new job, but luckily there's another one on sunday that i'll be attending. The swelling is finally going's barely noticeable but it FEELS there's a giant lump between my teeth and gums. apparently, when I was brought into the waiting room and was still pretty messed up from the anaesthesia (they put me to sleep for the first time!!) Mike had been waiting for me and when the nurse left the room to get me some paperwork, i grabbed my boobs and said "am i sexy?". Keep in mind i had a mouth full of bloody gauze, so it must have sounded PRETTY ridiculous. Yeah...I'm pretty great.