More shitty writing

Jun 16, 2009 19:10

3. Have You Seen Yourself? (Cuz I Have)

I’ve seen you
day in. day out.
You used to be my rock,
my go to best friend.
Now I hate what you’ve become
I know you would too
if you still had a heart.
Its more “who you’ve been
hates who you are,”
than “who you are
hates who you’ve been.”
It’s gotten past the point
where I still wish I could help you.
I stopped caring when I saw how useless it was.
It’s funny, seeing the effort you put into avoiding me.
But what are you really avoiding?
Are you avoiding me?
Or the knowledge that you’ve changed
and no one likes it.
Why is it that the only people who fall for your lies
are those who didn’t know you before this shell?
Do you think it’s a coincidence
that you’ve lost your old best friends
who were there through thick and thin for you
when this fake shit appeared?
Because I don’t.
I’ve seen you
day in. day out.
And I honestly couldn’t care less if you were dead
because really, you are.
You’re another face in the crowd,
another person who conformed to the suburban norm.
I’ve seen you.
Have you seen yourself?

4. Mix Tape

If I could make a mix tape
that reminds me of you
I would take every song in the galaxy
because you are my music.
If I could create the perfect person
out of random traits and personality quarks
I would simply be cloning you
because you're perfect in your imperfections.
If I could let everyone feel
the most lovely touch
I'd ask you to hug the world
because I feel best in your arms.
If I could tell a story
of how life got its meaning
I would tell only of you
because my life was meaningless before you were in it.
If I could tell the world
how I fell in love
and what happened after
I wouldn't be able to make a sound
because its far to painful
to remember I'm far less meaningful to you
than you are to me.

(#3 isn't seeming quite as true anymore, and #4 is now long enough ago that it's not true either)

writing, poetry, life

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