Feb 04, 2007 20:02
I went on a walk today, didn't really want to since I wasn't in the best of moods. Felt more like sitting on the couch eating chips but since my ass has been growing exponentially I forced myself to go on a small hike. Walking along and the view was beautiful of course. To wrapped up in my funk to really take it in though. Headed up a hill when I noticed movement. It was a bobcat coming straight at me. Never even showed a sign of being scared or aggresive at the last minute it shifted course just a bit and was literally 4 feet away as it passed by. She just looked so perfectly at ease trotting along, with her fuzzy spotted coat blending in with the grass and tufted ears. A bit bigger then a housecat but a housecat on steroids definitely not something you'd want to make mad. She was utterly gorgeous. There is a female philosopher, her name eludes me at the moment, who said we are improved by beauty. Because when we see something beautiful for a second we forget about ourselves. For half a second in the prescence of beauty we let go of our self centered thoughts, and in that half second we become slightly better people.