Jul 28, 2011 22:29
So. LJ outages, yeah? Sucks, right? Yeah, I thought so too. And dreamwidth is nice, don't get me wrong, but there's not a lot of Glee presence there. And I've got 12 invite codes to share. So.
If anyone wants a dreamwidth code, and is actually capable of reading this post and leaving a comment, please feel free to do so. And I will hit refresh until I am able to reply to your comment and give you the code.
(For the record: Dreamwidth is a little bit buggy right now, too. Server issues. But it does beat the occasional, ridiculously violent DDoS attacks we're having right now, and it gives you a backup for those moments when you realize all your fic is on lj and it's about to get eaten and OH GOD OH GOD WHY DON'T I CROSSPOST MORE WHY? Yeah. Rough few days.
But my apartment is clean and the will-he-won't-he boy seems to be shaping up into something of a he-will, so that's always nice.)