and it continues in a sequential manner
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Number of Stories Written: 20
Number of Words Written: ... uh, I'm not even going to count. Lots. Lots.
Overall Thoughts: I still really like OCs and minor characters, obviously. Should probably go back to attempting original fic one of these days. It also kind of pains me how many of these stories have half-started sequels or prequels or are generally part of something larger that I have yet to write. There's probably about a hundred thousand words that I could write just about Torchwood: Detroit. And my Blaine background is kind of obnoxiously in-depth (and it's going to suck to see it jossed, but anyway.) If only I could just have enough time to write it all.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?: I didn't really have any plans for how much I'd write. I wrote a hell of a lot more than I remember writing, though.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Glee. Had never watched it in January. Now it's like all I do.
What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? Probably Born to Run. That one's especially personal for me, and I feel like I really did well with that one. And I enjoy writing Blaine.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? Both The Doll's House and The Model Minority were risky, for different reasons. If I learned anything from The Doll's House, it's that warnings need to be written for ultimate clarity and then thought about and probably re-written; also, that I can't always get comfortable with the fact that a story is out there, no matter how much I'd like to. The Model Minority was an exercise in writing about issues without edging into didactific -- I wouldn't say it was totally successful and I have seen a little criticism of it, but I'm still glad that the story itself is out there. And I felt like Mike was really solid in that story, rather than just being a prop for my own issues, and I'm proud of that.
From my past year of writing, what was...
My best story of this year: I don't fucking know; I can't judge my own writing. Born to Run is my personal favorite, so we'll go with that.
My most popular story of this year: Endearing. I feel terrible for not answering comments on that story, but it just got so big so fast. I still don't know how that happened. Must have been some sort of a zeitgeist.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Eh. Generally, if a story didn't get a lot of comments, it's because I didn't post it anywhere but here, or didn't promote it effectively, or it just wasn't that good. I'd have loved to get more response to Torchwood: Detroit, but I can't really say I'm that surprised. It's a bunch of OCs, in America, and the only canon star is Martha Jones, and not everyone likes her. It's actually more surprising that anyone read it at all.
Most fun story to write: The untitled Torchwood story (listed under I'M SORRY. I'M SO, SO SORRY) where they have to dress up as Teletubbies. Because Teletubbies.
Story with the single sexiest moment: Not the Man. Because it's porn.
Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: To be honest, it'd be a lot more fitting for me to have a "Holy crap, that's fluffy even for you" story, since dark fic is not exactly my thing. (I'm not sure which is my fluffiest story this year -- possibly Muddling Through? Or maybe That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore.) The only truly dark thing I've written this year (or really ever) is The Doll's House. I don't imagine I'll do anything else like it any time soon.
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Oddly enough, I'm going to go with The Kids (Don't Stand a Chance), if only because that's the first time I felt really comfortable with the Glee kids.
Hardest story to write: The Doll's House. By far.
Biggest Disappointment: My Kurt POV in But Not What You Need. He just fell flat in that one.
Biggest Surprise: Baby Steps. It was born out of a surprising event, it surprised me that I didn't hate it when it was done, and it surprised me even more that so many people seemed to really like it. For a zeitgeist story, it worked quite well.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: Probably Known Some Call Is Air Am. Born to Run and Muddling Through also have some biographical elements, but I was aware of that as I was writing, and constantly working to strike the balance between giving the story a nice, concrete basis and then just purging a bunch of stuff about my sad, sad life. Known Some Call Is Air Am has less to do with my real life, but more to do with the way I remember my past, if that makes any sense at all.
Most Satisfying to Write: Probably Surrogate. I didn't think I was going to be able to do much with the premise. And then there it was. And I liked it. And I think it holds up pretty well.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year? Mostly I'd just like to pick up a couple of my unfinished drafts from last year and get them out and done with. There's a Mike/Tina first time fic that I really want to finish, and I'm still toying with my Torchwood/Glee crossover (I'm thinking that Wes is a UNIT brat, y/y?)
but then I'll repeat it a second time for assured clarity
Other things that I think might be worth linking to --
Mike/Tina gifspam Glee 2.06 review with massive Blaine gifspam Special Education gifspam (or: Subtle, Blaine, Subtle) "What It Is and How It Is Done," by Crispin Hellion Glover, as acted out by the cast of Torchwood More meta on 2.06, focusing primarily on my own RL issues. In case you were wondering, this is the story of the guy who tried to get me into his car.
And this isn't really relevant to anything, but I'm still bragging about it because I can:
Baby's First Marathon
because when I leave, I'm not making any concrete plans to return back to my point of origin
And that's 2010 in review! Kind of. Mostly. For the fannish stuff. And some of the non-fannish stuff. Have fun with your celebrating, unless you're not, in which case have fun with your not-celebrating!