so i went to school for 4th and 5th
than i went to spend some time with amanda before she leaves tomorrow
i had so much fun
i got to spend time with amanda
and i got to see josmarie
im really going to miss you amanda
i love you both sooo much
of course we took pics
we straight gangsta!
my eyes are always closed!
blurry but still cute!
i love this picture! she is so adorable!
i love this girl!
we both look so mad lol
i love these girls sooo much!
amanda as she clings to josmarie while josmarie crys amanda dont go!
it really looks like shes grabbing my boob but she isnt...
up close and personal
those two= adorable!
i had so much fun! im really going to miss you amanda and i wish we would have hung more but as long as your happy im happy... i love you! i love you as well other half and im really glad we got a chance to hang i missed you!
ps: i really wanted to see you tonight... i feel like ive put the effort out there you know how i feel and you just dont seem to care and that hurts